My Police raid at 1.30am last night at home

My Police raid at 1.30am last night at home

Ok, maybe I am going a little over the top with that headline. No doors were bust off any hinges, but I was rudely awoken by the Police banging on the door in the early hours of this morning.

My first thoughts as I looked out the window and saw them was, the same as anyone's at that hour.  What on earth do they want at this hour?

I popped a warm top on and headed down the stairs to the front door opened that and outside to the front gate (which is locked on a latch) and popped my head out to see the police car.I bent down to the window and an officer in the car wound down his window, as I asked, were you knocking at mine? Can I help?  (you are never sure are you when this happens, maybe they knocked at the wrong place)

Just then his colleague appeared from around the back of the house too. 

The officer in the car grabbed his pad, which had a name and address on, and asked if that person lived here? It was my partners name and our address on the pad, I was a little taken aback to see her details there. Why did they have her details? Had something happened?

Yes, thats my partner. - I replied (still blurry eyed....) A little worried to see what the next line was. 

He then quickly added, do you have a 14 year old son?

Erm, no, no I don't. We have a 6 month old baby girl up in bed, but definitely no son.

He checked the name again which I confirmed, and he explained how they had been passed my partners surname and told the person they were looking for had that surname and lived in the village surrounding area. I explained that I definitely didn't have a 14 year son, and that indeed it was just myself and partner and 6 month old daughter that lived in the house and the only other people locally with that surname would be my partners parents a couple of villages away.

I think at this point the police realised that they had made a mistake and appologised a few times for the rude awakening at such an early hour. They had been passed certain info and needed to find this 14 year old, and the surname passed returned our address so they just needed to check it urgently. They apologised again and headed off.

I headed back into the house and upstairs to check on Daisy, my daughter. She had been woken by the banging, but wasn't crying as I headed up the stairs, I could hear her moving around, with me thinking oh no! this will be fun getting her back to sleep.

I crept into her room to check on her. Her little face clocked me walking in to her room and I was met with her awake just looking over at me with a big beaming smile. I calmly walked up, stroked her head a few times hoping that she didn't really think it was time to get up. 2 minutes later she was still smiling but very chilled and I headed off back out the room hearing a few noises of her moving around but within 15 minutes (still no crying) she was back fast asleep.

This morning again but this time at a normal hour (7.15am) I popped my head in her room again, and she was just waking up. Again I was met with beaming smiles and waving arms happy to see me and just ready for another day.

So back to my reason for this story, the rude awakening at 1.30am this morning by the police I wasn't happy, very tired, and worried I might be up another hour or 2 trying to get Daisy back to sleep.

In reality, the police needed to do their job, as we all do so I can forgive them for the 1.30am wake up. I also got to see Daisy's little smiling face as she wakes up, not once, but twice this morning, and she didnt care about been woken up, in fact I think she liked it.

So when you are tired, disturbed or struggling to get on with things, just think about how Daisy copes with it all.

Enjoy it!

Every day should be a smiley day!

Say goodbye to the negativity, and don't let the buggers get you down!


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