PK Anil Kumar
Creative Head with a Heart that cooperates, a Body that follows and a Soul that guides. Multiple Cannes Lion winner!
lovers met under the blue sky,
below the rainbow,
floated with designer clouds,
in the company of butterflies and chrysanthemum.
love bloomed in lap of nature.
Nestled amidst banana plantations,
Blossoming with Half bloomed flower,
bees hovering around to taste it's nectar.
Served in long green leaves...
Where has such love gone!
Sitting near the banks of shyly flowing lake
Playing with the reflection of the full moon light,
Kissing in the shadow of the poets oldest metaphor.
What has happened to that love
Swinging with the breeze of country songs.
Playing hide and seek in the paddy fields
Moments that mature like yearly harvest.
Where has that love gone.
Crushed under concrete wings.
Squeezed between borrowed time.
Under the weight of corporate dreams,
Now, love is just a deal that waits to be renewed now and then.
Life is...
Living few moments in pleasant isolation.
Free from everything you inherited.
Free from all the knowledge you acquired.
Free from all the relations you're associated with.
Free from all the wealth you amassed.
Free from all the dreams you assembled.
Free from all the belongings you possess.
Lying on the wet sand,
On a secluded beach.
With moonlight caressing your skin.
The cool breeze engulfing your body.
And you are lying like the day you were born.
Straight from the womb.
With no umbilical cord attached.
Just you with a clean slate.
The lost self
One day
Some day
We will meet
I will get you to meet him
He was caged when he was too young
They called it School
He was friends with knowledge but syllabus was his villain.
His wings were pushed in by the feathers they thrust into his body.
He did fly but not with his wings
He flew with the help of unknown feathers
The wings inside didn't vanish
The fire to spread wide kept the wings alive.
It just went and attached with the heart
Now the heart goes where the body can't
And keeps the hope afloat.
One day
I will get you to meet him
He is always wandering but he still lives in me.
Love Rocks
Love, doesn't go to sleep when thoughts keep you awake.
Love, adds sweet to your tea when there is no sugar.
Love, gets wet with you when you are getting drenched.
Love, feels the pain when you get hurt.
Love, stays with you like a shadow even in the dark.
Love, helps you to move when you've given up on your walk.
Love, understands the reason when you are angry.
Love, consoles your stomach when you are hungry.
Love, follows your tears till they are dry.
Love, makes you hear what you want to listen.
Love, helps you to smile when you look into the mirror.
Love, reminds you of the rainbow when the clouds are dark.
Love, shows you a tree when you look at a seed.
Love, gifts you a dream when the pillow is hard.
Love, offers its hands when your arms are tied.
Love, helps you find a reason to live when you're lost.
Power to my Daughters
Sweethearts, Hope this letter finds you in great health.
This piece of advice is for you so that you don't live under any pressure to perform beyond your interest.
Underutilize your capabilities.
Over utilize your energy.
Or deliver anything to prove to anyone else but to your self.
Just make sure that whatever you do, your near and dear ones feel a swell in their chest.
And brings a smile on their face as often as possible.
In the process, they don't have to lose their peace of mind till you reach that moment of realization.
And to bring that moment in life, you don't have to wait for any annual result or yearly function.
Let it be any day, or everyday if possible.
Nowhere is it mentioned that only if you are a topper in class, you'll find a seat in life.
There are no rules that you've to stand first. I
t's just a momentary phase created by the Society to suit few members' convenience.
Try to Enjoy every bit of life.
Make a habit to live every second of the game and don't just wait for that moment when you defeat someone to celebrate your victory.
Waiting for that one moment to be at the top of the world and celebrate is such a waste of life.
You don't have to be happy only by making others feel sad.Don't fall for statistics.
Trophies gather dust.
Medals rust.
Certificates crumple.
Moments you create out of everyday adds up to memories you can visit when you are not creating moments.
And when you are taking a walk down the memory lane, make sure you don't have to wait for milestones to make you feel good.
Make sure that the moment you take a turn, the beginning of the road itself greets you with bouquet of happiness.
You have two options.Wait to belong to statistics to be happy or forget the Maths and keeping adding moments to life.
Either you wait for someone who's weaker than you to help you prove you are stronger or just make the most your strength.
And while you are at it, don't lose focus from your destination.
The more fun filled your journey is, the more fruitful your destination will be.
And rewrite the definition of success.
Willpower Works
You may have sent me on Earth on a wrong date.
The numbers of the day might not add up to the lucky digit.
You may have got me an unfavourable sun sign.
The lines you drew on my hands may be broken, forked and messed up.
The role you wrote for me on my forehead may be a miserable one.
But lord, I'm not here to repent for your mistakes.
I'm not here to suffer for your faults.
I'm not here to pay for the price of your actions.
I'm here to make the most of what I have.
While you were busy screwing up, you did a good thing by mistake.
You added willpower in me.
And that's all I wanted.
Thanks for the lovely gift.
It keeps me going.
I may be late but I'll the finish race.
And finish it to leave a mark.
No matter how bad you'd have planned things for me,
I'll re-write my story.
Don't forget, you also made me a writer.
You can't keep my trophies.
You can't take away my moments of glory.
I'll make the curtains rise for me.
I'll make the light fall on me.
License to nothing
Marriage is not a license to order meals from your kitchen.
Or to get the laundry done.
Or to find the morning tea at the bed side.
Or to read the newspaper first.
Or to watch your favourite channel.
Or to not attend the open day in school.
Or to stay inside the wash-room till you finish the crossword.
Or to expect clean dishes when the maid is on leave.
Or to find a helping hand to change diaper.
Or to sleep under the blanket on a cold Sunday morning when the doorbell rings.
Or to ask questions only to hear favourable answers.
Or to shop for hours, buy for all occasions and then carry nothing.
Or to treat your partner like a domestic help.
Or for that matter to make love whenever the hormones demand.
It is not a license to anything.
It is not a license.
It is a bond that expects you to have the right kind of balance.
Of mind. Of body. Of soul.
It's the ultimate devotion for another body.
It's sacrificing your valuable energy to reach a point that'll be forgotten in a moment.
It's exploring the same areas to discover the same gems with no intentions of owning them.
It's working hard to give your heart a taste of love.
Those who lack the sense of poetry and an appetite for art, call it Sex.
A cage called choice
I was born naked...and was really comfortable in nothing,
but I was made to wear diaper... my mom's choice.
I used to pee in my bed... and loved the wet feeling,
but I was taught better manners... my dad's choice.
I loved to suck my thumb... and thoroughly enjoyed it,
but I was asked to behave... my granny's choice.
I liked to bunk my school... and watch movies,
but I was forced to attend my friends' choice.
I signed my test papers... as I could copy my dad's signatures,
But one day I was caught... My brother's choice.
I was bad at physics... and loved mathematics
But I was made to hate syllabus... My teachers' choice.
I believed in romance, and gave love many chances,
My heart was always handled with care ... My lovers' choice
I drank like a fish... and flew like a bird
but I was asked to control... my wife's choice.
I have only one brother, and no female siblings
but there were those who filled the vacuum ... my sisters' choice.
I smoked like a chimney... and scored like tendulkar,
but I was pulled out of the habit... my daughter's choice.
Not every choice you make, makes you what you are
Because, with many choices you make comes a choice that matters.
Lucky Pebble
A pebble in the clay
Trying to mix
And trying to blend
Trying not to get caught,
So trying to hide.
To be part of a beautiful form
To get moulded with the soft mud
And avoiding the sight,
not to get picked and thrown.
Rolling in and slipping away,
Trying hard to stay
A pebble in the clay.
Sperm Ovum: True Lovers
If you want to love,
love like a sperm and an ovum.
Two bodies who meet to be together, Forever.
For other till the eternity.
Spring or autumn, Come what may. Together they stay.
Inseparable till the last breath.
One soul holding two bodies,
They understand each other's pain.
Laughing together. Crying together.
Sharing the smiles and tears.
To live as one and to die as one.
The love story of a sperm and an ovum.
Take on life
Sing with the larks
Swim with the sharks
Set the life on fire
Pull the flame out of the spark
Roar more, don't just bark
Wake up and challenge the dark
The restless road is inviting
It's too early to park
Make a bow out of a rainbow's arc
And shoot your arrows on the mark
No time to stop and rest, when
A journey to capture stars, you embark
Brick of life
Everyday I add to my ladder
A brick
Made of dreams
And on it I step
To climb up
And pick the same brick
To place to on top
To extend the ladder
To step higher
And one day
The brick I'll wear on my head
As a crown
Stylish Demise
Many many springs later
Whenever my time comes,
I want to go down in style,
Sitting on a sun-lounger
With my legs stretched towards the horizon
A cigar in my left hand
Beer in my right,
Breeze kissing my cheeks
The waves washing my shadow
And from in between my feet
Watch the sun balancing on the tides
before slowly sliding into the sea
And I, tied to its last ray of light
This Day
This day That year
Goals were far, life was near
Couldn't speak, could just hear
In safe hands, with no fear
Heart was pure, mind was clear
Free to cry with no pain to bear
Everyone to love, everyone was dear
No veil to hide, no mask to wear
Have come so far, now I'm here
Every moment lived, filled with cheer
Goals were far, life was near
This day That year
What's Life
Life is,
waiting for…
that lap that comes in between your head and the rough ground,
those flowing locks that come in between your skin and the hot rays,
those eyes that comes in between your dream and the haunting nightmare,
that voice that comes in between your soul and the piercing noise,
those lips that come in between your throat and the dry thirst.
those shoulders that come in between your thoughts and the heavy burden.
Life is, waiting for that someone to share the pain and serve a smile.
I Have Seen
I have seen times fly
And I have seen tears dry
I have seen dreams die
I have seen shadows cry
I have seen friends lie
And I have seen age dye
I have seen spirits high
I have always wondered why
We meet to eventually bid good bye
The weather is whispering
Sweetheart, is it spring!
So many songs of love to sing
So many moods to pull the string
When the breeze has such a sweet sting
And dew drops glittering on tender leaves like a ring
The weather is whispering
Sweetheart, is it spring!
I still remember that night when I don't know what I said.
I was breathing for a reason, may be I didn't want be dead.
My head was lying on the pillow and I was standing on the bed.
Heart roaming in the memory lanes and mind somewhere far ahead.
Altruist's Love
To keep the love alive in you,
To keep nurturing it in your heart
without letting it jump out of your thoughts,
is to love for ever
because to express is to expect
and to expect is to expose it to rejection
you love the rainbow
you love the dewdrops
you love the moonlight
you love the sunsets
you love the daffodils
you love the floating clouds
you love the morning mist
you love the fluttering butterfly
you love the sweet lil humming bird
Never expecting them to love you back
which is why your love is eternal
The love that demands no love is the true love
An enemy in need
Its a great idea to make enemies
Breed tigers and then take them by their tail
The more waves you hug
The more distance you sail
The wind that slaps a kite on its face
Gets punched on the nose without fail
And all you need in life are few real friends,
Who'll stand by you when every other relations turn stale.
Faithfully Your's
To have,
A lap to lay your worries
A hand to hold your dreams
A shoulder to rest your heart
A heart to stock your pain
A pair of eyes to submit your feelings
And lips to place your desires
Is a life well lived.
Branded Obituary
A death that's branded well gets more sympathy.
it's not any departed soul that's valued.
it's not just about any heart that stops pumping blood
it's not simply about any pair of lungs that stops accepting air
it's not about the end of breathing
it's not the gravity of the pain but the packaging that attracts grief
the death needs to have a flavour
the correct ambience
the perfect location
the right brand ambassador
the appropriate timing
A death has to have a class to find mourners.
Dead Heart
The strawberry shaped cemetery
Where dead dreams float in blood
No place to flow, no ground to bury
They sleep forever in the liquid bed
Same old new year
There Is Nothing Happy, There is Nothing New
It's Just Another Year Ahead For Me And You
Same Plastic Smiles And Same Cabin Crew
Interest Rates Going High For Those Loans Are Due
Mornings Will Have Leaves With Drops Of Dew
And Nights Will Have Dreams With No Clue
Disclaimers Everywhere, Of Meanings Wish We Knew
Nothing Different Are Breweries Going To Brew
Still, Drinkers Will Be Many And Payers Will Be Few
We'll Look Back And Wonder How Time Flew
For 365 days, I've Said Enough...Phew!
There Is Nothing Happy, There is Nothing New
It's Just Another Year Ahead For Me And You
Positive Negatives
Be the thorn that pierces the flesh and brings love closer and
not the flower that waits to adorn a breathless body.
Be the darkness that lets a heart fall in love with a heart and
not the light that makes it fall for a face.
Be the slap that brings two hearts closer and
not the kiss that takes two lips apart.
Be the tears that come from the heart and
not the smile that originates from the brain.
Be the nightmare that gifts an embrace and
not the dream that creates a distance.
Be the poison that frees a soul and
not the medicine that traps a body.
Be the foe who strikes on the chest and
not the friend who stabs from the back.
Treasure the childhood
Before you realise, they will grow up.
And then they won't bother you for your bedtime stories
They won't cry to get hugged and kissed.
They won't ask you to carry them on your back or insist on sitting on your shoulders.
They won't be an extension of your index finger.
They won't make a horse out of you.
They won't nag you for toys, chocolates and Ice cream.
They won't engage you in meaningless conversations.
They won't irritate you with their silly innocent questions.
They won't discuss their best friend's mischievous adventures.
Before it is too late.
Before they discover you are no superman.
Before they are old and you are too old.
Make the most of their childhood.
Listen to them.
Be with them.
Be there for them. More often.
Something really precious is slipping away like sand.
Every Second.
Hold on to it as long as you can.
It's in the air
When the eyes smile
and the lips wink
when the heart listens
and the ears beat
when the face talks
and the mouth express
when the nose feels
and the skin inhales
Then, Love is in the air
Life Rocks
Old shoes and new socks
Life rocks
Same friends and stale jokes
Life rocks
Drinking beer when opportunity knocks
Life rocks
Lazy stubble and wild locks
Life rocks
Serious pranks and silly talks
Life rocks.
Picking strings and building blocks
Life rocks.
Good Times
I miss those times when we had to meet to talk,
gather to share,
touch to poke,
confront to comment,
express to like,
feel to make love,
bribe kids to pass a message and
look into the eyes to propose.
Love's choice
Some affection go unnoticed.
Some love silently.
Neither their eyes disclose anything nor their heart divulges the feelings.
Some heartbeats never leave the organ.
Like the stubborn rock standing still, hugged by the innumerable passionate waves.
But no one knows which beautiful wave the rock really looks forward to.
Like the elegant flower in the garden standing all dressed up, to get kissed by swarm of bees.
But who knows which bee's sting the flower dies for.
Like the flickering lamp attracting scores of moth, happily willing to fall dead.
But which is that moth the lamp would die for.
Like the moon captured In a poem by romantic poets.
But whose stanza does the moon want to get trapped in.
Like the mirror, every beauty falls in love with.
But for which beauty the mirror on the wall is willing to crack.
Some love stays in the heart forever.
Heart Trash
Heart is a dustbin full of dreams
Marinated in tears, wounds, pain and scream
Never clean the precious garbage
Because trapped in this bloody cage
Could be rotten milk waiting to turn into cream
My Will
After I die, please keep me alive
Don't make me a name in your archive
Spread me through your jokes
Talk about me in your talks
Pour me a peg when you drink
Keep me afloat, don't let me sink
Hold my hands, when you dance
Include me in all your plans
Lend me your voice, when you sing
When you are flying, Give me your wings
Don't leave me alone, deep down in the grave
When I'm a body-less soul, only you can save
I don't want to reside in the memory lanes
When you are visited just once a year, it pains
Don't Frame me and hang on a wall
I was never meant to decorate a hall
After I am dead, I want to breath
I don't want to wither like the flowers in a wreath
May My Soul Rest In Peace
Put Some Life into it, Please
The dawn of love
Those winter mornings when
nature mixed an ounce of cool breeze,
a tinge of sunlight,
a pinch of mist and
a spoonful of fragrance of fresh green grass,
and both of you sitting on the park bench,
relished the cup of romance.
First Love
Remember the taste of your first kiss.
The fragrance of the first rose you gifted.
The warmth of those hands you held, sitting on the park bench?
The sparkle in her eyes when you first opened your heart.
Look back and you only find a vacuum.
Every bit of Some moments are to be relished at that very moment.
So delicious they are, you consume every ounce of it without leaving a trace of that priceless moment.
And nothing of that precious past is left for the future.
Live Full
What’s the hurry,
to rush deep under the soil and bury
divide your life in years, its short
spread it in moments and it become a lot
your race is yours own
don't match your steps with legs unknown
go crazy, go wild
bring back the lost child
Fragrance of Life
If I could
I would
capture the invisible magic
in a pretty bottle
fill it till the top
and tightly close the lid
And own the fragrance of the soil
after the first rains.
Love making
Hold a brush in your hand
kiss it with colours
smear it on the white cloth
make love to the virgin canvas
get high
pick up a pen
let the ink flow
have foreplay with your thoughts
impregnate the white paper with the nib
and give birth to beautiful stanzas
who says you need contraceptives to have safe sex
who says you got to be a pig to get multiple orgasms
Free Land
Take me to a land
Where I'm free from the clutches of thoughts, waiting to get trapped in a sentence.
Where I'm free from the grip of ideas dying to emerge in shape of words.
Where I'm free from the chains of plots, eager break free and grow into a story.
Take me to a land
where I only observe and absorb,
And where I'm in no hurry to Tweet,
no mood to Pin,
and not interested in Updates.
You and I
Let's Not Talk About The Books You've Read,
Written By Hands You've Never Held.
Let's Not Talk About The Movies You Saw,
Captured By Eyes You've Never Looked Into
Let's Not Talk About The Music You Heard,
Sung By The Lips You've Never kissed
Lets Talk About The Life You've Lived,
Wax for Blood
How many candles more?
Once a year,
few drops of tear
What for ?
Can the melting wax
And the flickering light
Give the body, back its soul?
Save the Flowers
Save the Flame
First stop the mighty fall
Fight now
Right now
Listen to the martyrs' call
Thank you Mr Farmer for all the meals served in our plate.
Thank you Mr Postman for all the sealed surprises that brought a smile.
Thank you Mr Watchman for all the uninterrupted dreams.
Thank you Mr Traffic Cop for standing there so that we could move.
Thank you Mr Laundry Man for making our body presentable.
Thank you Mr Lift man for travelling with us vertically so that we could move around horizontally.
Thank you Mr Motor man coming to work for that we could go to work.
Thank you Mr Hair dresser for helping us face the mirror with pride.
Thank you Mr Office Boy for taking away our everyday blues.
Thank you Madam Maid for keeping our house like its your own.
Thank you Madam Cook for giving hunger a befitting reply.
Thank you Madam Vegetable Vendor for fulfilling the dreams of a confused stomach.
Thank you Madam Nurse for making every stranger feel like a relative.
Thank you Mr Steward for happily serving other tables while ignoring your taste buds.
Thank you Mr Chauffeur for making the journey your destination to take me to mine.
Thank you Everyone whom I should have not have missed.
Thank you every other person who gets thanked every time otherwise, and who are generally never missed.