The Point of a Personal Brand - "Creating Something that Actually Matters"?

The Point of a Personal Brand - "Creating Something that Actually Matters"


You know one of my biggest fears with this or anything I do it's adding noise to this already, busy, loud, and draining world or in other words unnecessary noise. That might be controversial to say for someone that makes content on the internet or anyone demanding time from another person. Many of us see creators make stuff that is met and draw you in as selfish but that has never been the intention. Capturing your intention, persuading people to watch, buying your course, and keeping them in the loop is not the goal. Providing value as well as what I discussed below creates something that actually matters is.

Selfish motives can get in the way of what you want at the end of the day though for example when I started this newsletter on December 6th, 2022 a little over a month ago I started for a couple of reasons.

Why I started this Newsletter?

  1. I wanted to document the process of being a student in college and what it is actually like trying to enter a new field.
  2. This documentation was for my own personal look back to show look how far I came but also specifically for myself.
  3. I wanted to share my feelings, my thoughts, and what I saw going on in the world this is why I named it the My Thoughts newsletter.
  4. I wanted to improve as a writer, a reader, and a student. Knowing things is one thing sharing is another. Making the knowledge I've been getting worth it means sharing which is way more than forgetting.

When I think of everything as a whole though or like what everything boils down to. It's that "I wanted to create something that actually matters."

What does that mean though? How do we make things that matter? As well as why is that important?

All these questions cross your head when talking about that idea so let me paint the picture to hopefully bring some clarity.

This is a rough edit of notes but also the video which is so impactful.

  1. Things that actually matter our based off what you care about and are interested in. They lead to people connecting to you and not just to a piece of content. This creates longevity not just vitality even on an app like Tik Tok many people are creating based off vitality. I'm more worried about longevity which means I and you need to be more thoughtful of how we portray ourselves.
  2. There are three ways to make things you can give a man a fish or you can teach a man to fish. There's also a third you can give a man a stone. This is not a goal the goal is not to give people what they don't need. The goal is not to give people a temporary meal. Instead, we need to do things that actually help people and provide legitimate value.
  3. Many of us have a job for the sake of having a job but I feel like many of us don't like our jobs not because we don't like what we are doing though this is the case. I think a greater factor and a greater problem is people are doing things that they think don't actually matter. This is why you just find yourself exchanging time for money and feel like you're replaceable. Search for the meaning even in the crappy job till you can bounce to what you want to do.
  4. Where does true art lie? Does it lie in the commercialization of everything? I don't believe so though the capitalist really pushes for this idea. Instead true art I think falls in things that actually matter. If you ask about me the greatest pieces of music, the greatest videos, the greatest movies. It doesn't quantity that is pretty obvious no it instead comes from the quality.
  5. Your personal brand needs to be a reflection of who you are as a person
  6. I believe AI can't replace things that actually matter you might think that's bold but remember what I said above. Also, burn out, burn out, you hit your goals more likely and you make this year, the year you actually wanted.
  7. What stops us from making things that matter is the commercialization of everything. So make your own spin and do what you think actually matters.

My Final Thoughts

You know why I believe we do everything we do. Actually it doesn't matter what I think just tlook at what the scientist says. They say we do things because of feelings, necessity, and habit, so if this is why we do things then you know what. How much does doing this that actually matters cover?

Isn't this why you prioritize, why you set clear goals, why you take action, and why you stay accountable? It's not just to do things to be a super efficient machine no we're a human being and not only that we are human beings in one of the greatest eras of opportunity. It happens everyday people in your situation chasing your dreams and hitting them and doing things that they believe actually matter.

You know why you don't care about your job because you think it doesn't matter. We will only be here for a short time is that Memento Mori yes but it's true. Oh so true, so you know what we should be doing we should be spending time doing things that you think actually matter. So what are you going to do this week that actually matters think of that?

Then take one step closer to your dream and one step closer to the life you can only imagine. That's what I'm going to do and you know what if you want to keep me check to reach out I'd love to have you join my accountability group, but you might just not want it enough.

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