My Perspective to Mindfulness& Meditation& Yin Yang Yoga

My Perspective to Mindfulness& Meditation& Yin Yang Yoga

How can you change your mindset and manage your status of wellbeing, life-work balance and your stress level?

It’s a busy world. You fold the laundry while keeping one eye on the kids and another on the television. You plan your day while listening to the radio and commuting to work, and then plan your weekend. But in the rush to accomplish necessary tasks, you may find yourself losing your connection with the present moment—missing out on what you’re doing and how you’re feeling. Did you notice whether you felt well-rested this morning or that forsythia is in bloom along your route to work? Mindfulness is the practice of purposely focusing your attention on the present moment—and accepting it without judgment. Mindfulness is now being examined.

My journey for mindfulness has started several years ago. If Covid-19 would not hit in 2020, my plan was travelling to India. I wanted to experience the lifestyle of India and discover the reflection of my ways of living. Than, Covid-19 hit, but ? looked forward to implement my aim with online sessions. Zeynep Aksoy is my fav teacher that she inspired me a lot in this journey and gained me a great contribution to my life. I did not change, ? have transformed another mindset that my life has also changed suddenly. I do not have the same mindset or perspective among to situations which I am facing to face everyday.

Who is Zeynep Aksoy?

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She is from ?stanbul and lives in London. He finished primary school in London and Tokyo between 1975-1981
1988 Graduated from Robert College with Aysun Sunalp Arts and Sciences Award
1992 Rhode Island School of Design BFA
1999 New School for Social Research MA
1996 Started Yoga in New York
1999 It’s Yoga 200 Hours Yoga Alliance
1999 He studied Ashtanga Yoga for 3 months with Pattahbhi Jois in India and joined Goenka Vipassana
2001 Established Yoga?ala Ni?tanta??
2003 Godfrey Devereux completed 200 hours of specialist program
2006 Founded Cihangir Yoga
She attended trainings with dozens of yoga experts during the running of Cihangir Yoga between 2006-2012.
2012 handed over Cihangir Yoga and started teaching specialist programs under the name Advayta Yoga.
Between 2003-2009, focused on Osho Therapy trainings such as Family Constellation and Zen Therapy.
Finished the Yin Yoga 200-hour residency program with Paul Grilley in 2015 and 2017
Worked as a consultant for the Code Lotus Mindfulness center at the American Hospital 2017-2019
Zeynep Aksoy introduced meditation to thousands of people via Reset YouTube channel in 2018
In 2020, he started to offer a holistic and Mindfulness-focused yoga specialization program, which he has developed since 2006 with the Donation system, and started a social responsibility project for thousands of people to gain knowledge and career in yoga.

Benefits Of Mindfulness

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Mindfulness improves well-being, physical health, mental health. How does mindfulness works? Some experts believe that mindfulness works, in part, by helping people to accept their experiences—including painful emotions—rather than react to them with aversion and avoidance.

It’s become increasingly common for mindfulness meditation to be combined with psychotherapy, especially cognitive behavioral therapy. This development makes good sense, since both meditation and cognitive behavioral therapy share the common goal of helping people gain perspective on irrational, maladaptive, and self-defeating thoughts

Basic Mindfulness Techniques

Basic Mindfulness Meditation :Sit quietly and focus on your natural breathing or on a word or “mantra” that you repeat silently. Allow thoughts to come and go without judgment and return to your focus on breath or mantra.

Body Sensations: Notice subtle body sensations such as an itch or tingling without judgment and let them pass. Notice each part of your body in succession from head to toe. 

Sensory: Notice sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and touches. Name them “sight,” “sound,” “smell,” “taste,” or “touch” without judgment and let them go.

Emotions: Allow emotions to be present without judgment. Practice a steady and relaxed naming of emotions: “joy,” “anger,” “frustration.” Accept the presence of the emotions without judgment and let them go.

Urge Surfing: Cope with cravings (for addictive substances or behaviors) and allow them to pass. Notice how your body feels as the craving enters. Replace the wish for the craving to go away for the certain knowledge that it will subside.

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Getting Started On Your Own

Go with the flow: In mindfulness meditation, once you establish concentration, you observe the flow of inner thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations without judging them as good or bad.

Pay attention :You also notice external sensations such as sounds, sights, and touch that make up your moment-to-moment experience. The challenge is not to latch onto a particular idea, emotion, or sensation, or to get caught in thinking about the past or the future. Instead, you watch what comes and goes in your mind and discover which mental habits produce a feeling of well-being or suffering.

Stay with it : At times, this process may not seem relaxing at all, but over time it provides a key to greater happiness and self-awareness as you become comfortable with a wider and wider range of your experiences.

Some Tips To Keep In Your Mind!

Gently redirect! If your mind wanders into planning, daydreaming, or criticism, notice where it has gone and gently redirect it to sensations in the present.

Try and try again! If you miss your intended meditation session, simply start again.

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The effects of mindfulness meditation tend to be dose-related — the more you do, the more effect it usually has. Most people find that it takes at least 20 minutes for the mind to begin to settle, so this is a reasonable way to start. If you’re ready for a more serious commitment, Jon Kabat-Zinn recommends 45 minutes of meditation at least six days a week. But you can get started by practicing the techniques described here for shorter periods.

Live your own journey, Have a Great Mindfulled Sunday. :)


