My Personal Journey With Coronavirus
“What am I going to do?” I was in a panic. “How on earth am I going to save myself much less someone else against a foe I can’t even see?” I sat there stunned trying to come to grips against an enemy that was about to destroy not only my life but the lives of all I held dear.
Welcome to the world of the Coronavirus. Welcome to a new age where people no longer hold hands, no longer stand together and no longer go out and have fun with friends. Welcome to being alone and isolated and afraid of even touching my face. I thought I had seen it all in my 64 years on the planet and here I stood frozen in fear for my friends and family and for my business. This is my personal quest to survive in the new age.
You see, I founded a wellness company several years ago and I dedicated my life to helping others. Here I had a problem that affected everyone and it was my time to shine – but how. I prided myself on finding solutions to sickness and afflictions that everyday people encountered – but this enemy was different. No one had ever seen it – no one had ever tried to defeat it – so how was I going to make any real difference. That was the challenge.
I am fortunate enough to have people in my life who are gifted. One of them is a research maven. In their quest to help me find answers, they found something that started the creation of the solution. In this age of information and electronic instantaneous answers – the answer appeared. We found something that someone had already proven and it was not just anyone – it was a government department that had spent countless hours trying to find the answer to a different problem that was the same as our current problem. Now all I had to do if find a way to assemble the pieces and form a modern day solution that could provide enough relief to make a big difference.
I went through my eastern and western medicine books. I consulted with the greatest minds our planet every produced. I thought to myself “ All I have to do is put together a protocol that addresses the issues. I need an anti-bacterial, an anti-viral, an anti-fungal, something high in Vitamin C and vitamin D3 and something that boosted my immunity system and protected me from a respitory thief” I can do this I thought and that’s how this started.
Out of the blue we were asked to help someone who had been tested and confirmed to have the virus. We brought our solution to them and waited. Here was a family that could find no help who needed hope and who needed something fast. The husband had a 104 temperature and the wife was frantic to save the man she loved. For days she was coughed on and sneezed on doing everything she could to save her man. In one day his temperature broke, he could breathe freely and in a few more days he was out of bed and running around the block. I went and visited them and all the wife could say was – I don’t understand why I didn’t get it too?
What I am happy to report is simple. There is a combination of ingredients that can provide a great deal of relief – that can stop the virus from replicating itself in your body on a cellular level and provide you with great relief. Is it a cure? No. Is it a remedy – according to the FDA I cannot say it is. All I can say is this. We made an emergency spare tire for your life that relieves a lot of the issues you will encounter should you come down with this virus. Its been proven not only in a lab but in real life.
My company is Herbal Crafters. We are a small privately owned company in Florida on a mission and we want to make a difference. We make immunity boosting kits. Interested in finding out more? Learn more at