My Personal Healing Story
Stephanie Pereira Lima
Guiding Spiritual Women to Create a Soul-Aligned Life ?
This week I'm excited (and nervous!) to open up and share more about my personal healing journey that led me to starting my own healing business. Through sharing my story, my intention is that you will get a glimpse of what is available for you on the other side of stress, overwhelm, and burnout. So, with a vulnerable heart, I invite you to keep reading.
I was an overachieving, high-functioning anxious perfectionist.
Growing up, I had deep fears of failure, rejection, and judgment. I was a resentful?people-pleaser?who always gave so much to others and not enough to myself.
I had a desperate need to?control?everything in my life. I’d overload my schedule and move with urgency because I bought into the narrative that being busy equaled success and worth.
I dove right into the Wall St world after graduating from college and?had a very?demanding?corporate career in business development, strategy, & event marketing.
As a?workaholic, I was glued to my laptop, working a million miles per hour and fixated on making money by pushing, forcing and chasing.
I would skip meals, drink too much coffee and not enough water, work 50+ hours a week, and travel 4 days a week for months at a time.
The old me fully subscribed to the?hustle hustle hustle, go go go culture.?My mind would race endlessly and instead of properly relaxing (because I honestly did not know how to give my nervous system and body a break) I would obsessively clean as an outlet for my anxious energy.
Physically, I battled hormonal imbalances, skin rashes, and digestive problems due to being overly?stressed?and?disconnected?from my body’s natural cycles and rhythm.
I had completely abandoned my body.
It got to a point where I was experiencing really intense emotional outbursts of?aggression. I had no conscious way of pinpointing where it was coming from but I know that I was always on edge. Explosive, reactive, and unhinged. I hit severe?burn out & overwhelm?(on multiple occasions) from operating in survival mode for so long.
This was my breaking point. I had to take proactive steps to make major changes.
This is when I decided to actively work on?slowing down?and?listening to my body. I answered the call and became the student. I started receiving acupuncture treatments, reiki sessions, and astrology readings. I explored?yoga, meditation, embodiment practices, flower essences, and plant medicine, to name a few.
By shifting?from doing to being, slowing down, silencing the ego and going within, I began to?heal myself.?I brought my fears into my awareness and began to sit with them, speak to them, get to know them. I expanded my comfort zone and allowed myself to be?vulnerable?with myself.
My heart and mind were cracked wide open.
On my personal growth path, it became clear to me that I was operating in?masculine?overdrive?for years!?(and when I say masculine, I do not mean traditional gender norms of male, it’s the energetic quality of discipline, structure, forward-motion, logical and linear thinking - more of this at a future workshop!)
I learned how to cultivate presence.
I built a deeper?trust?with myself and divine creator/universe/god/source. I learned how to not take things personally, and to set and communicate my boundaries and needs from a loving place.
I grew to recognize when I’m in survival/fight or flight mode and when I needed to take a moment to regulate my own nervous system.
I learned how to?ask?for help and then?receive?that help. I no longer felt the need to be validated by others or seek approval externally. I put an end to the self-sacrificing narratives and inner pressures I created for myself. I learned to let go of guilt and emotions that no longer served me, and?live from the center of my consciousness.
I released patterns of fear, scarcity and limitations.
More importantly, I healed my relationship with my personal power, my voice, time, my body, my parents, and created a new found connection with my inner child.
My transformations came from?changing my habits?and creating personal practices + rituals as a form of self-nourishment.
I have so much gratitude for my renewed sense of energy, health, purpose and clarity.
Healing is a messy, delicate and ongoing process.
It takes courage to want to sit with yourself and look inward. More importantly, inner work is not meant to be processed solo.
It’s up to us to start changing the narratives and beliefs we’ve been conditioned to believe.
****If you?struggle with?feelings of stress, anxiety, overwhelm, stuckness, and are seeking personalized emotional support, I invite you to schedule a complimentary 30-minute connection call with me.
On this call, we will take time to talk about the stressors and challenges you are currently experiencing, you will receive wisdom and insight to help you get unstuck, and we will come up with a plan to support you to move forward on your healing journey.
Please send me a message to schedule a call.
Congratulations on working through this. This is exactly the type of post I needed ~5 years ago when I was going through something similar.