My personal (no bullshit) big 10: How To Make 2020 YOUR Year!
1. Decide who you want to be a hero to! For me, it’s my family, paying clients and people thinking about becoming clients.
2. Never forget: your business is your clan and, you’ve given access to every client. Be bold. Preserve the integrity of your business and keep out the moaners, whiners and idiots that slipped through the cracks and showed their true colours as, they dearly cost you time and energy!
3. There is a voice in the back of your mind telling you to grow, take action and evolve! If you want to embrace it this year, protect your identity and energy like your life depends upon it. Be ultra mindful of what you watch and listen to. Concetrate more on catching yourself out - wasting time, and doing stupid shit. You are your own best coach and teacher. True happiness comes from self-control and discipline.
4.What got you to where you are now in life/business may kill you moving forward, or help you move forward. Try to undestand this and leave behind the excess baggage.
5. Don’t feel guilty for delegating work. It will put you in a stronger position and, allow you to grow and lead a more inspiring life.
6. Build a team of trusted advisors to help you make better decisions. Hire and trust people on their walk, NOT THEIR TALK!
7. The main reason you get anxious about making more money, is because you’re always measuring yourself against someone/something else and losing track of what’s important to YOU. Your goal isn’t to build a bigger, better business/team/department overnight. It’s to become a better human being and love yourself, love that what you are, and that what you do, more and more each day.
8. Don’t underestimate the power of a well-rested mind. You’ll make better decisions in life and in business. Every now and again, shut down the machines, disconnect and re-charge. Don’t feel guilty for taking time out to "Sharpen the sword" ;o)
9. I′ve said this again and again and... I’ll say it again. Don’t take advice from people who aren’t in a position to give it. Too many of you are overthinking and worrying about the opinion of people who don’t care about you or your business, will never buy from you and ultimately don’t fit into the grand scheme of your amazing life.
10. Be grateful and embrace the opportunity that each day brings... the good, bad AND the ugly. Be willing to see the other side of all situations. You’ll find the ugly stuff is your biggest teacher and biggest blessing.
Is there something missing from this list? I′d love hear and discuss your opinions!
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