To my PENTA family

To my PENTA family

The time has come after almost 3.5 years to say goodbye to my dear colleagues Penta . During this adventure I managed to meet many wonderful enthusiastic people, some of them became my friends for life, that I'm sure of.

It's been a bumpy road to say the least, I remember the early days where there perhaps 6 to devs and yes, believe or not it is true (though highly not recommended) we were making releases at Friday night making sure that the pipelines pass and the deployment went well - fun times :)

During the time our vision and goals became more and more clear, thus the strategy and processes along the way got more crystallized and more sophisticated thus make us leaner, faster and smarter. The entire company like a well oiled machine and it was only getting better.

We've grown from modest 20 people to almost 280 at one point in a relatively short period of time which is an achievement on its own. Our growth reflected in terms of customers and revenue as well.

We were a unit, we were a well organized unit that couldn't be stopped. Here I talk about Product, Tech, Marketing, Sales, Design, IT Support etc.

Not to dwell to much - it was a wonderful experience for almost 3.5 years, and if someone asks would I do it again, I'd say YES I WOULD 10 folds over! Zero regrets!!!

I want everyone in the PENTA family to know that i wish them nothing but the best (cause they're worth it), that I believe in ever single one of them and that I feel that they became a part of my family for life.

I'm pretty sure together with Qonto they will accomplish the unthinkable and over take the regular baking system down the line, I honestly wish them that from the bottom of my heart!

I purposely left-out the names from the post due to the fact that this post would take waaaaaaaaaaay to long, but people that I had been in touch on regular basis know they are and will find themselves in this paragraph. <3

Farewell my dear friends/my family - we will see each other of that I'm sure of. Penta in my heart forever! LOVE YOU ALL!


