My PCOS Story
In honor of PCOS Awareness Month, we asked some of our S’moo babes to share their PCOS story! The response took our breath away. So many, amazing, kind and strong women have gone through these trying situations. We’ve shared some of our favorite responses below but trust me when I say, we loved all of them, we feel your struggle and we celebrate with you through your successes. We are all in this together and we hope you find strength through other S’moo Babes and through friends and family. We all have our unique story and journey. You'll enjoy the 9 different "My PCOS Story" entries included in this blog, grab a tissue because a few of these got my tears rolling!
PCOS Story #1 from Felicite T.
I was diagnosed with PCOS a little over a year and a half ago. My doctors kept pushing my concerns to the side and saying it was probably nothing or I was just “eating too much” even when I only ate one meal a day. A cyst had ruptured and they thought it was appendix. Luckily it was a cyst. They did a series of blood work and found my androgen levels were high and diagnosed me with PCOS. I was relieved to finally have answers after years of pain. I thought my journey was over and there would be some magic pill to help. However I was so wrong. PCOS couldn't just be cured with pills. I was dealing with pain and irregular periods monthly. Unwanted hair growth. Hair loss (I went from very thick thick hair to having very thin hair on my head). Acne breakouts that I couldn't control. And uncontrollable weight gain, no matter how many diets or workouts I tried. I also had severe depression. I felt so confused and defeated. I stumbled upon S’moo and bought it. Since then, I’ve had so many life changing events happen! My hair is going back to being thick. The weight gain has halted and I am even losing weight. My moods have been better. And my cyst aren't as bad! My acne is almost non existent. S’moo became my miracle pill. (It’s not a cure but it sure does help me feel better). PCOS was something I thought defined and controlled my life when in reality it does not! I’m the one in control and I will not let this illness define my life.
You can Follow Felicite on Instagram @felicitetaylor
PCOS Story #2 from Kerry K.
My story really starts with a weight gain struggle and a non-existent period. Something I didn't know would still be an issue 16 years later. I first started going to the gynecologist when I was 16 years old because I hadn’t started my period. I am 6 feet tall and was very athletic so my mom figure that's why I was a late bloomer.
At 16, I had my first ultrasound which revealed ovarian cysts. Unfortunately, in 2006, not much was known about PCOS and the immediate concern from my doctor was cancer. After many tests and a few doctors later, they finally determined when I was 18 that I had PCOS. I will not fault the first few doctors that did not properly diagnose me. As I said, not much was known about PCOS then and I was not hormonally mature and also did not show many symptoms other than ovarian cysts.
I am now 31 and for half my life I have struggled with weight gain, depression, excess hair growth, pelvic pain, bad cramps, irregular and fairly non-existent periods, and acne. Earlier this year I was also officially diagnosed with Endometriosis. I want to share my story for other Cysters who may be struggling or need someone to confide in. I am an active advocator for better funding for PCOS research and better health care for women in general! I don't want another teenager or young women having to deal with this struggle without answers for as long as I did!
You can Follow Kerry on Instagram @KerryKav
PCOS Story #3 from Natascha L.
My PCOS story started when I was 13. My mom could tell that something was just kind of off. So she took me to the doctors and they sent me to get an ultrasound. They found nothing wrong. My mom still thought something was wrong so she pushed and took me to an endocrinologist. We got some blood work done and the results lead to a PCOS diagnosis. Little did I know that day would change my life forever. Since then I have changed what I eat and how I work out. I was on birth control for a little over a year and got my period from the birth control. My mom and I knew that the birth control was just not going to work for me anymore if I wanted to have kids in the future. So she did some research and came across S'moo. I started taking S'moo in the beginning of June and now I can't go a day without taking it. Since stopping birth control I have gotten a natural period from S'moo. I became vegan in January of 2020 and that made a huge difference in my PCOS. I never would have known something was wrong if it weren't for my mom, she is one of my biggest supporters and I couldn't do this without her. Now I'm taking it day by day being vegan, doing the correct workouts, drinking my S'moo, and being happy.
You can Follow Natascha on Instagram @nataschalagesse or at @pcos_warrior28
PCOS Story #4 from Courtney P.
S’moo helped me get my body back in my control after coming off hormonal birth control. It helped regulate my cycle with post pill PCOS. Also, this is the best news, it helped my husband and I conceive our second child! I am so thankful for this product and I love it so much! Thank you S’moo!!
PCOS Story #5 from Geanne K.
I have been diagnosed with Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and it has been a struggle to balance my hormones. Over time, I attempted to change eating habits, attempted to take vitamins, work out more, and anything that would help reduce pain and discomfort when both ovulating and experiencing mensuration. I discovered S'moo online and decided to give it a try, and realized how beneficial it has been and how my energy levels are starting to increase from taking it!
PCOS Story #5 from Megan R.
I started my cycles at a young age (10 years old) and they had always been heavy. As I got older, my periods became heavier, longer, and more painful. I was diagnosed with endometriosis at 24 (am 32 now) and I thought that was the answer to all my womanly problems so I started trying everything to get relief. Fast forward to last year, I was told I had PCOS after two trips to the emergency room in the same day. I was crushed. I knew I had endometriosis and that was enough on my plate already and now I'm being told I have PCOS. I felt like my reproductive system hated me. I was desperate for relief. For anything to help me feel normal again. After doing research, I stumbled upon S'moo. I read the reviews, looked at the ingredients, and thought "what the heck do I have to lose" so I ordered a tub. My first month, I noticed my period pains that I would have on a daily basis were almost unnoticeable most days. I had a bit more energy than I did before. My cycle was shorter and lighter than it had been in years. Month two, I noticed less my facial hair! I've actually lost some weight ( a few pounds but when you struggle to lose weight no matter what you do, any pound lost is a win). I'm on month three of S'moo now, and I can say I'm feeling better and better. I had one Endo flare up that floored me, but one in three months is a huge win in my book. I'm ovulating now which is another huge plus for me. I'm just so glad I gave S'moo a shot because it has changed my life, even if in small ways.
You can Follow Megan on Instagram @meganredgate_stylist
PCOS Story #6 from Cassandra G.
I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2015 by my general practitioner during an annual exam. At that time, I was 26 years old, I didn’t have a steady gynecologist, and I wasn’t sure what it really meant. The first gynecologist my doctor sent me to (same practice), was an older gentleman who said PCOS didn’t exist. He told me it was over diagnosed and I didn’t have it. I was just overweight and needed to eat less. This was problematic on so many levels considering I’ve spent the majority of my life delving into diet culture. I returned to my GP with the news of what the new gynecologist told me. She was…let’s just say not happy. She put me on metformin to help me treat my symptoms and she recommended that I find another gynecologist that I was more comfortable with. So I did. My new gynecologist was amazing! She upped my metformin. She explained PCOS to me in depth. She put me in touch with a nutritionist who suggest a keto-like diet. She gave me hope.
My story is not uncommon. PCOS is still unknown to many. There are so many variables and so little research surrounding the condition. It wasn’t until I built a PCOS support system to include my doctors, my family, my now-spouse, and myself that I was able to get this thing under control. I started the keto diet in March of 2019, through which I was finally able to lose 42lbs and keep it off. Through keto and Instagram, I found S’moo, which has opened even more doors for me in my PCOS journey. I know I still face many challenges in my journey ahead, but I’m ready to face them head on.
You can Follow Cassandra on Instagram @CGomezGoKeto
PCOS Story #6 from Mandy C.
Before S’moo I was having irregular periods every month. Ever since I started taking S’moo daily, my periods are back on track. I never thought it would be this easy to have a normal period. Thank you S’moo Co. for making this possible!
PCOS Story #7 from Khyrsten B.
PCOS affects so many women, and so many women have gone undiagnosed or have been misdiagnosed for years.
I am one of those women who went misdiagnosed. In 2016, I was told that I had PCOS, so my husband and I started to make the lifestyle changes recommended for PCOS. I have struggled with many of the symptoms for as long as I can remember.
Jumping forward to most recently I went and saw an endocrinologist because my husband and I were still TTC (trying-to-conceive), with no luck and no answers. The endocrinologist ran a bunch of tests and told me that everything appears good/normal and that I do not have PCOS. Around this time I found S'moo and let me tell you what it’s a game changer! I no longer suffer from horrible, knee dripping cramps, miserable periods, facial hair is going away, and I'm loosing weight!
I can not wait to see what else this product can do for me and I can't wait to tell more women about it!
PCOS Story #8 from Otilia De O.
I have mild PCOS and just to get it diagnosed, since I did not have severe symptoms, was horrible. I have the excessive chin hair growth but my periods have always been regular and ovaries have always looked normal. My previous providers have tended to brush it off and made it seem like it was normal (I am Latina and we tend to have a lot of hair growth). It was only with my current provider that my symptoms were recognized and testing was done. My doctor was also able to give me more information and tips on how to manage my symptoms going forward.
PCOS Story #9 from A. Linzy
My PCOS story starts with my fathers concern of possible diabetes due to my size. I am 5’6, 220 and have stayed this consistent size since I was 19, despite how I exercise or which diets I try (I’m now 28). I could always be healthier or more active however I don’t consider myself to be lazy or unhealthy. Neither did my father.
After seeing a doctor and discussing my health history, my labs then came back abnormal. It turned out PCOS was the culprit of my dark facial hair, weight, and painful periods. I’m glad to find a supporting community of women empowering each other and finding new ways to live normally.
We hope that these stories 9 stories helped remind you that there is hope! We want you to find solutions and be properly diagnosed with your conditions so we can work together for solutions. We are all in this together. Make sure to join our Private S'moo Facebook group for extra love and support from women like you!