My patient died during a full mouth rehab
Dr Fern White
Principal Dentist @ Beacon Cove Dental, Melbourne Keynote Speaker, Coach and Mentor for Dental Women ????
I was recently treating an older patient of mine. He was 80 years old.
He was still working up until this stage and he was having a full mouth rehab done.
He’d been visiting Germany with his wife for a few months, and we contacted him to follow up on his next appointment.
His wife told us that he had suddenly just passed away. His heart gave out, out of the blue.
It was a huge shock and surprise to everyone.
He was a very quirky character! He always used to joke with us, whenever he was in the clinic with us he would say “I better have these teeth before I die! I better get some use out of them…I could just drop dead tomorrow!â€
We always just had a bit of a laugh about it with him…But the truth be told, thats what happened!
It was a timely reminder for all of us, particularly those of us at the clinic who had worked with this man…To not sweat the small stuff.
We have no idea whats going to happen tomorrow. If we spend ALL our time stressing and worrying and spiralling and creating problems out of tiny tiny little things…Then you’re wasting your time.
You’re wasting your life.
You don’t know what your future could hold.
And we forget that we’re mortal beings. And it’s because we’re mortal beings that life is SO rich…If we could be immortal, we just wouldn’t appreciate life that much!
So…this is a shoutout to you, that anything can happen. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
I want you to know that you’ve lived. That you’ve loved.
And that you’ve made some kind of legacy and inspiration to people around you.
Thats what matters most.
Don’t sweat the small stuff.
Don’t sweat the business stuff.
Everything is figure-outable.
Just start to live life! And live it on your terms.
Do what YOU want with this one life that you have…
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