My own thoughts about Chat GPT
Patricia Regier M.Ed
Learning & Development Specialist | Instructional Designer | Author | Professional Speaker | Facilitator | Creative Learning Consultant
What I currently think
A New Shift
I remember only several months ago when I received my first question from someone asking me what I thought about Chat GPT…. I honestly had not heard too much about it at that point. Then I started thinking about it and unpacking what this meant to me and the world. Then, when I was ready, I jumped in to test it before coming to any conclusions – and I still reserve the right to choose how I use this tool in my life and work.
?Pros to Chat GPT:
?Your Context
Not new
That is the thing- AI has been around for a long time. AI is not new beyond chatbots and automatic responses – algorithms and computer code! We depend on spell and grammar check programs and suggestions to support and improve our writing. If we think about it – what are other examples of AI-supported functions we have used for a long time? But yes, Chat GPTs is a whole new level of how we can use AI – and how we think about it.
We are part of the process and outcomes.
If I pull something from Chat GPT or AI-generated anything, I need to change it and make sure it is in my voice and I believe what is being said. We can add our stories, examples, and experience to the writing.?However, this is a wonderful tool to help speed up the painful process of writing policies, cover letters and proposals. It can be a research assistant and prompt for writing articles, blogs, books, etc. It can be like the person we bounce ideas off and a writing partner.
We can also be responsible for fact-checking, verifying, or thinking about writing from AI. If fantastic writing and thought-provoking insights are pulled from well-written and thought-provoking prompt research questions, are we not part of the outcomes? We often get what we put in – with anything in life.
Transparency about using Chat GPT
At the bottom of a blog or article, should we reference that part of the writing process was with Chat GPT as a partner? We are still responsible for it if we put it out for others to read. Do we care? Are we ashamed? Should we be? Do we care if others judge us? Could we be transparent as a sign of authenticity? We may not be able to say how much is AI and how much we changed… or should we have to? Does it take away from what we are learning or thinking about?
This is the next level of writing skills. We read books, write school papers, and expand on someone else’s ideas. Or we look for evidence to back up or dispute our ideas. Writing skilled questions are essential, and critical thinking skills are imperative! Referencing is now in a new era, and we don’t know how this will all turn out.
What do you think?
Trying something different
Typically, I write (and podcast/video) differently than this – when I share blogs and articles. Usually, my process includes talking on camera first and then writing a more synthesized version. This time I did it the other way around. You get to see inside my thought processes and how I write in my journal or for potential future books. Would you like to see more of this style of writing from me? I will continue to provide pro tips and tutorials, but the deep-thinking stuff could be interesting to share. This type of writing is more vulnerable than the other style I have recently shared. I welcome your thoughts.
Behind the scenes
More?facilitator tips & tutorials
Originally part of our blog:?
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