My Own Perception: Episode 1
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
Just yesterday, I posted on When the Swords Flash, and it got me to thinking.
I am a Baha'i. I say that (a) to simply state fact (b) not to convince you of it's merits but (c) to introduce the idea that, weekly going forward, I will be writing and sharing a post with a bit of a deeper dive into my own spiritual journey these days.
For some time now, we have had an online space to share Baha'i inspired thoughts and music and more, now called Perceive... and have created a little community as well, to share such. That said, here I choose to offer up thoughts around my own exploration of faith and spirituality, as an individual Baha'i. And, my own exploration these days is around these words of Bahá’u’lláh.
Over the coming weeks and months, I am meditating and reflecting on these words, and will be sharing my own Perception around same, taking a line at a time, if you will. I am simply a student (for life) and I expect that this will take some time (my life), but my own independent investigation of spiritual truth is my own Responsibility. And, I intend to Honor that.
For now, I humbly suggest your own read and reflect on those words above. I am ever increasingly seeing them as a representation of a personal code of character. Indeed and in deed, my work is ever more so grounded in this ongoing journey of exploring my own faith, in practice. My professional and personal identity is guided and grounded by own attempts to live this exploration. I stumble and soar along the way, like us all. Here, I will share on my own personal exploration, moving forward. Feel free to "listen" in and take whatever might be even remotely valuable, if anything. Next week, I will be sharing on my own reflections around...
My Own Perception. That is all.
Peace, purpose and prosperity...