My Own 10 Steps to the Corona - Cure

My Own 10 Steps to the Corona - Cure

Good Day to everyone,

Since we all are stuck in the house because of this worldwide issue of the Corona-virus. I need to take the time to express my own concerns to this matter. 

I am never been one to sugar-coat anything and I am not a person who is easily impressed about what the media has done about this new aged virus that someone has created. Before I race out to the stores to help empty the shelves, I have to do my own research to this before I can give a public opinion.

When I first heard about this I was quite confused and puzzled as I sat back and watch the hold world run around like the world is coming to an end. Am I the only one who knows that when it our time to go.....God knows who he needs to take? No matter what these people want to call this disease....God still has the final and master plans. 

Let's start off with the name......."Corona" it just me? Or Is this disease named after a beer? They did say.....Corona....right? Then Corona turned into Corona-19. Does this means that there was 19 beers that caused people to forget how to wash their hands? 

Folks don't be upset with me for seeing the "dry reality" of this. Research has shown that the Whole world is NOT WASHING THEIR HANDS after using public places. By not washing the hands they spread it to all the people that they come in contact with. Maybe I am the only one but when I was a child that was one of the first thing I learned was to wash your hands before and after doing anything. Well I guess Common Sense is not so Common. This matter has caused me to look at everybody as being.....nasty. 

This matter originally started in China, well there goes me to never buy Chinese food again. Now the media is keeping track of the numbers of deaths across the nation from people getting a cold and spreading it to others. Every business has been effected to the point where nobody can do business without looking at each without being cross-eyed and cock-eyed. Can you say...wilder beast? 

From one end of the spectrum, cities are being closed down to the other end where people are unsure as to whether this is a serious as the media has hyped it up to be. People are walking around with paper face masks looking like they just came out of plastic surgery. These germ-a-phobics are so worried about a germ popping on them that they got to wear a batman mask. Like their getting ready to save spider-man in many super hero plazas.  

Every major airlines, hotel, cruise ship and travel business is starting to apologize with their post of now they will begin to keep their facility clean. But wasn't their place of business supposed to have been clean already? Do we all have to start bringing our own bed linen to stay at a hotel? 

If you see one fool their bound to be one to follow.....monkey see....monkey do. I personally refuse to be sucked in to all of the media hype and drama. I will remain to have peace at my house because that is what I can personally control.

I cannot speak for anyone else but I don't have the time to be sick. My research has shown me, that this is all about a common cold and the people has ignored the warning signs to take care of themselves, which is the cause of their own death. 

Back in the old days we kept these 10 things to cure all that made us to continue to be strong: 

1. Prayer Daily for everyday protection and guidance. 

2. Before I walk out the house, I cover my skin with Vaseline this helps the any air born viruses to bounce off and be a sealant.

3. I find food dishes to cook with sage; this is the natural herb for throat, lungs and chest cures.

4. I find ways to use vinegar and mustard to kill viruses of the stomach and intestines.

5.I find ways to drink every Vitamin C to start the flushing out of all food viruses and or body that becomes inflamed.

6. I find ways to use honey to melt and associated joint and pains.

7. I find ways to use ginger and Tumeric for great heart health.

8. Continue....Continue to drink Water all day every day before I reach for that soda.

9. I use 2 tablespoons of Hennessy to sleep on because its processes everything, like a computer that has stored the extra data from the day before. Cognac is the best way to blast every missed virus that body can hold.

10. Stock up on bathroom tissue whenever there's a great sale. 

If my bold words has helped you or anyone you know please pass this on to others that you care about because caring is sharing.......Directly speaking. 

In closing if I can teach one person and that person can learn from my words.......before taking the media as the true gospel......take the time to investigate it to where you are happy and pleased with the final results. 

I bid everyone peace.

Any comments, questions or concerns about any article that I have published to public.I can be reached at: [email protected] 



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