My OSS Plans for 2023
In recent years I’ve kicked off my side project work with an overly optimistic and hopelessly unrealistic list of ambitions for my OSS projects. You can find the?2022?and?2021?versions still hanging around, only somewhat fulfilled. I’m going to put down my markers for what I hope to accomplish in 2023 — and because I’m the kind of person who obsesses more about the list of things to do rather than looking back at accomplishments, I’ll take some time to review what was done in many of these projects in 2022. Onward.
Marten?is going gang busters, and 2022 was a very encouraging year for the Marten core team & I. The sizable?V5.0 release dropped in March?with some significant usability improvements, multi-tenancy with a database per tenant(s) support, and other goodness specifically to deal with apparent flaws in the gigantic V4.0 release from late 2021.
For 2023, the V6 release will come soon, mostly with changes to underlying dependencies.
Beyond that, I think that V7 will be a massively ambitious release in terms of important new features — hopefully in time for?Event Sourcing Live 2023. If I had a magic wand that would magically give us all enough bandwidth to pull it off, my big hopes for Marten V7 are:
Marten will also be impacted by the work being done with…
After a couple years of having almost given up on it, I restarted work pretty heavily on what had been called?Jasper. While building a sample application for a conference talk,?Oskar?& I realized there was some serious opportunity for combining Marten and the then-Jasper for very low ceremony CQRS architectures. Now, what’s the best way to revitalize an OSS project that was otherwise languishing and basically a failure in terms of adoption? You guessed it, rename the project with an obvious theme related to an already successful OSS project and get some new, spiffier graphics and better website! And basically all new internals, new features, quite a few performance improvements, better instrumentation capabilities, more robust error handling, and a unique runtime model that I very sincerely believe will lead to better developer productivity and better application performance than existing tools in the .NET space.
Hence,?Wolverine?is the new, improved message bus and local mediator (I like to call that a “command bus” so as to not suffer the obvious comparisons to MediatR which I feel shortchanges Wolverine’s much greater ambitions). Right now I’m very happy with the early feedback from?Wolverine’s JetBrains webinar?(careful, the API changed a bit since then) and?its DotNetRocks episode.
Right now the goal is to make it to 1.0 by the end of January — with the proviso that Marten V6 has to go first. The remaining work is mostly to finish the documentation website and a handful of tactical feature items mostly to prove out some of the core abstractions before minting 1.0.
Luckily for me, a small group of us at work have started a proof of concept for rebuilding/converting/migrating a very large system currently using NHibernate, Sql Server, and NServiceBus to Wolverine + Marten. That’s going to be an absolutely invaluable learning experience that will undoubtedly shape the short term work in both tools.
Beyond 1.0, I’m hoping to effectively use Wolverine to level up on a lot of technologies by adding:
I hope that Wolverine is successful by itself, but the real goal of Wolverine is to allow folks to combine it with Marten to form the….
“Critter Stack”
The hope with Marten + Wolverine is to create a very effective platform for server-side .NET development in general. More specifically, the goal of the “critter stack” combination is to become the acknowledged industry leader for building systems with a CQRS plus Event Sourcing architectural model. And I mean across all development platforms and programming languages.
And let me just more humbly say that there’s a ways to go to get there, but I’m feeling optimistic right now and want to set out sights pretty high. I especially feel good about having unintentionally made a huge career bet on Postgresql.
Lamar?recently got its 10.0 release to add first class .NET 7.0 support (while also dropping anything < .NET 6) and a couple performance improvements and bug fixes. There hasn’t been any new functionality added in the last year except for finally getting first class support for?IAsyncDisposable. It’s unlikely that there will be much development in the new year for Lamar, but we use it at work, I still think it has advantages over the built in DI container from .NET, and it’s vital for Wolverine. Lamar is here to stay.
Alba?7.0 (and a couple minor releases afterward) added first class .NET 7 support, much better support for testing Minimal API routes that accept and/or return JSON, and other tactical fixes (mostly by?Hawxy).
See?Alba for Effective ASP.Net Core Integration?Testing?for more information on how Alba improved this year.
I don’t have any specific plans for Alba this year, but I use Alba to test pieces of Marten and Wolverine and we use it at work. If I manage to get my way, we’ll be converting as many slow, unreliable Selenium based tests to fast running Alba tests against HTTP endpoints in 2023 at work. Alba is here to stay.
Not that this is germane to this post, but the very lightly traveled road behind that sign has a straightaway section where you can see for a couple miles at a time. I may or may not have tried to find out exactly how fast my first car could really go on that stretch of road at one point.
Oakton?had a significant new feature set around the idea of “stateful resources” added in 2022, specifically meant for supporting both Marten and Wolverine. We also cleaned up the documentation website. The latest version 6.0 brought Oakton up to .NET 7 while also using shared dependencies with the greater JasperFx family (Marten, Wolverine, Lamar, etc.). I don’t exactly remember when, but it also got better “help” presentation by leveraging Spectre.Console more.
I don’t have any specific plans for Oakton, but it’s the primary command line parser and command line utility library for both Marten, Wolverine, and Lamar, so it’s going to be actively maintained.