My (not-so-secret) entrepreneurial addiction

My (not-so-secret) entrepreneurial addiction

Building, running and growing a business comes with a daily list of challenges.

And nothing juices us entrepreneurs more than solving a problem…

or 10…

by 10 am.

If I had an addiction, it would be this.

Conquering obstacles, removing roadblocks, solving problems.

But what I’ve come to realize is that a lot of the time what we call problem solving is simply symptom management.

Bandaids over cracks that are deeper than we know (or we may not be prepared to admit!)

Until that internal voice gets so loud it’s impossible to ignore.

Or worse yet…

An external event outside of our control exposes the cracks in a way that can’t be unseen.

And we find ourselves in a setback so deep, it can be difficult to see a way through.

The last 6 to 9 months have been exactly that for me and my Capsho Co-Founders.

Even with our resourcefulness, tenacity, work ethic - and yes our formidable problem-solving skills - we found ourselves living a nightmare of unmet expectations. On all fronts.

We felt defeated and knew we had to surrender to what needed to be done.

Which was 3 things:

  1. Get objective help to devise a strategy out of the nightmare
  2. Make a decision to take some extremely uncomfortable but necessary actions
  3. Take the actions identified in Step 2 ??

Fully committing to Step 1 made Steps 2 and 3 easy to execute.

Because whilst there is nobody else who knows your business like you do, that familiarity can create a real blindspot.

Objectivity is a gift only others outside of you can give.

I went to my network of fellow entrepreneurs and mentors who have been through a version of what we were going through AND turned it around to get their objective counsel.

Not only did it give me the clarity and courage to take Steps 2 and 3, it made me realize that:

  • I am not alone in this, and
  • We actually had an opportunity to turn this hard (and deeply humbling!) period in business into our best season ever!

We are still not quite done fulfilling this plan but I know this rocket fuel of resilience is something more entrepreneurs need.

So I was inspired to create Capsho NextGen Uprising to be exactly that.

8 unstoppable entrepreneurs will be sharing their previously-untold stories about their lowest point and how they turned it into an epic comeback.

I’ll also be sharing my uprising story with Capsho along with a very special announcement on Capsho NextGen.

???? Jun 20th 2024

???? Get your free ticket here

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