My Nightmare, You Can't Make This Up!!
Capt. Jason Wilke (Ret)
President of the Wisconsin Chapter of the Midwest Gang Investigators Association
An anonymous source send me this “farewell” email from the Sergeant who took part in destroying my career and devastating so many lives with his “Intentional act of Gross Misconduct”.
Let’s take some time to closely examine the content of this “farewell” message from “Willie”
Willie’s words of Wisdom - I want to let you know personally that I have accepted a job with the Waushara County Sheriff’s Department and will be leaving this job without looking back……
Fairly obvious to see that “Willie” has not lost his utter disdain for the WIDOC!
This would strongly support “Willie” negative conduct and actions while on the job…….
“Willie” completes an act of “Intentional Gross Misconduct” at RGCI, in “Waushara Co”.
This intentional act on the part of “Willie” puts the lives of so many people in danger, including Staff, Inmates and members of the Community!
Isn’t it the MISSION of the WIDOC to protect Inmates, Staff and Community?
This act is so egregious that the WIDOJ requests that “Willie’s” actions be referred to WIDOJ for charges.
RGCI Warden FAILS to do this!
One may ask why? I can only attest for what I was told numerous times, “Jason, if this would have made it to the MEDIA, he would have been TERMINATED”.
Does Management at RGCI find it OK to hide criminal acts from the public it serves?
I don’t think so, and I went to the media after being relentlessly retaliated against after questioning “Willie’s” utterly LAUGHABLE discipline!
I asked Waushara Co to investigate the matter as a possible criminal act.
I meet with the Waushara Co Investigator for hours at my home. The Investigator is given ALL the evidence. I even tell the Investigator that “Willie” is applying for a position with Waushara Co, to this the Investigator states “Not after this”.
I wait for “Months” only to find out in the “Same Week” that “Willie” is not going to be charged with ANYTHING, and worse yet, “Willie” has been HIRED by Waushara Co as a JAILER!
Willie’s words of Wisdom - Many of you have been at my side since the beginning and some just recently…
“Willie” just a heads up, MANY staff are DISGUSTED by what you did. Your actions not only represent you, they give a horrible representation of all WIDOC Staff!
As far as the “Some Recently” comment, did you consider that those “Recently” only wanted to find out information about your Gross Misconduct? How else do you think I received this farewell email…………
Willie’s words of Wisdom - I want you to know that this decision is a long time coming and has absolutely zero to do with the current “Slandering Scandal”.
It’s interesting that “Willie: makes it a point to clarify my efforts as a “Slander Scandal”.
I was under the assumption and remain under this assumption that my mission is to expose the TRUTH of what you and RGCI Management did.
You are correct is noting that this is VERY SCANDALOUS!!
RGCI Managements utter failure to conduct itself in a professional manner has also contributed to putting numerous lives at RISK!
Willie’s words of Wisdom - FYI: They lost that fight. :)
If your actions where not done with MALICE, why point out the false pretense “They lost the Fight” with a “SMILEY FACE EMOJI?
Oh, I forgot you have a fondness for EMOJI’S…….
We have not lost ANY fight, this is not a fight, this a mission to expose the TRUTH and I will DO JUST THAT!
Willie’s words of Wisdom - I want to wish you all the best in your future and hope things turn around in this job. We all deserve it…..
You are very correct in this comment “Willie”, maybe now that you are not causing threats to staff, inmates and community members lives the JOB WILL TURN AROUND!
The Very Good Staff, Supervisors and Leaders of the WIDOC do DESERVE IT, I can’t say the same for you!
Willie’s words of Wisdom - In the end, our work has made a difference even if we don’t get to see it every day.
You are so very right on this one “Willie”, the Great Staff of the Wisconsin Department of Corrections that are willing to Stand Up, Tell the Truth and ACTUALLY LEARN from mistakes do make a HUGE DIFFERENCE every day…. You’re just NOT one of them!
I especially LOVE this portion…..
Willie’s words of Wisdom - Honor before Self-Interest, Truth before Tribalism, and Sacrifice for a cause greater than ourselves.
Where was this Honor, Truth and Sacrifice when you ‘Intentionally Exposed Informants” in a case that was intended to “Save a Life” of a Law Enforcement Sister along with attempting to solve the homicide of a “Baby”?
Willie’s words of Wisdom - “Most of our problems we’re facing right now have to do with humanity and how we treat each other”
How interesting that you point this out……… How did you treat the lives of so many people now in fear for their very safety!
Where is that Honor, Truth and Sacrifice you spoke of earlier?
Willie’s words of Wisdom - “One of the great things about our species is that we have the capacity to realize our mistakes. If you don’t learn from your mistakes, you’re going to repeat them.
“Willie” have you really learned from your mistake? It sure DOES NOT appear as though.
More so, it appears as though you have FORGIVEN YOURSELF!
I don’t think the people you have put in harm’s way feel the same, TRUST me on this one………
Willie’s words of Wisdom - Standing up for principles is not easy, and people need to be prepared to leave behind those who stand in the way of that. “A life well lived is more about bridges you should burn than the bridges you don’t,” he said. “It’s always darkest before you burn that bridge behind you.
“Willie” if you were TRULY SORRY for what you did, why would you need to LEAVE BEHIND THOSE WHO STAND IN YOUR WAY?
A truly intelligent person would know that BURNING BRIDGES can be VERY detrimental. You MIGHT just have to WALK OVER THAT BRIDGE AGAIN SOME DAY…….
Willie’s words of Wisdom - No Need to reply, I won’t be back after today ;)
No need to reply…. My understanding from anonymous sources is that you will be calling in sick until you begin at Waushara Co….
Can’t forget the EMOJI!!
To All Wisconsin Taxpayers, One of the Informants that “Willie Intentionally Exposed” was just granted $110,000. Keep in mind there’s FOUR more to go…..
Let’s do the MATH, geez that’s put the total cost of “Willie’s Gross Misconduct” to the “Wisconsin Tax Payers” at roughly a “HALF MILLION DOLLARS, not to include the OVERTIME “Willie” will create while CALLING IN SICK before starting his NEW position at Waushara Co Jail!
Buckle Up Waushara Co!!
Retired Corrections Unit Supervisor at WIDOC
5 年This guy has to be bought.....only reason I can figure why he did what he did.
Retired Corrections Unit Supervisor at WIDOC
5 年This guy has some stones to be e-mailing this rot! I wonder if there was some solicitation and collusion involved in the "emoji" range board?