My Nightly Creative Works - collection 2
Hagay Onn (the Spot)
InnovatiOnn ■ AI Lectures, Art, Consulting & Development ■ SW Architecture, Design, Implementation & Optimizations (Cloud, Data Pipelines, Automations) ■ Former C++ & Java RT developer. Current: Python & JS dev.
How to grow Happy Antennas with Sun Beams
(and remember - a Happy Antenna is half a Star!)
A Love Story - Me and the Cloud
Once upon a time, there was a small cloud named AWS, but everybody called him Azure. All the other clouds had rain and traffic and many users, but he only had a Witch-Mom and 3 Poisoned Apples (iPhone, iPad and iPod). One day, he decided to grow and see for himself if the skies are really the limit. He couldn't guess of course, that the same day a new Evil-Cloud was just...
FIX: Pick yours....
Some inspirational LeaderShit Quotes from an Old Egg:
Tip of the week: Ya-Ba-Da-Ba-DO!!! (Have Fun while Doing...)
The Guns Debate (advanced course)
A bit Hebrew
I could use some of That... (Norway Cost)
#UnAskedFAQ - What makes Far places look better?
Can we use it for Selfies? Can you step 1 more step behind? ;-)
Sea - As - A - Service
(The new SAAS that takes over all the Beaches!)
Geeks, it's not your SAAS kind of thing... ;-)
Some Logic-Riddles you can use for Job-interviews:
More LeaderSheeps quotes (from a young seed):
(Except for the white balloon, all other text below is mine)
Such a Cliche...
If only i had a travels agency...
Do Not Look At That Picture ;-)
#UnAskedFAQ - How do you look today?
Try looking at people with Good intentions at your heart!
They might look the same way @You!
Pizza Anyone?