20 learnings from my "ChatGPT freedom" book making $50,000 in it's first three weeks

20 learnings from my "ChatGPT freedom" book making $50,000 in it's first three weeks

I learned ChatGPT in order to provide services to my corporate clients.

But I came up with the idea of packaging up what I had learned as an experiment in creating a viral product and running experiments in Facebook ads to find new methods for my clients.

Here's a quick cheatsheet of this little experiment:

Part One - Pre-launch campaign to activate audience before launching the product

Most projects are dead on arrival due to little care taken in the pre-launch phase.

Here's how I avoid that:

  1. I activated my audience who has been following me for years thanks to my value posts - I documented this in my upsell books “build a personal brand using ChatGPT” and “how to get clients using ChatGPT” (free when you subscribe to my yearly substack subscription, upgrade HERE) for how to do this on Autopilot using ChatGPT
  2. I posted multiple times a day on multiple platforms on autopilot (I have a method and software for doing this at scale in minutes for hundreds of posts)
  3. I built 10 extra social media accounts to post ChatGPT viral short-form (tiktok) content to grow seed audience and eventually send traffic to my book once it came out
  4. My business partner built a funnel using GoHighLevel which easily enabled multiple upsells (and email sequences, if they bought 2 of the 8 products it would send them an email sequence containing the other 6, etc)
  5. Which reminds me, there were 8 products in our main funnel, in order to create a larger basket size, ESSENTIAL key to success (more on that later!)
  6. Used ChatGPT to help plan the launch (as detailed in this article)
  7. Designed a cover for the book using Midjourney (which an artist eventually finished, but the core was invented by A.I.!) This was what Midjourney designed:

  1. Posted fearlessly across every platform I had, so that multiple people per day were asking for the link to buy the book before it launched. Likewise…
  2. Posted multiple preview posts of the book on my marketing-themed Substack, and the book was launched with a Substack post (where I’d been building an email list for months - See point 2, you can’t skip this! Let ChatGPT help you post a lot of content!)
  3. All of the above all-but guaranteed my experiment would be a success...so what happened next, I hear you say to yourself?...Sounds like you're ready to read part two :)

Part two- launching the book!

...The book bundle launched and made $10,000 in the first 24 hours from my organic audience/Substack email list...without paying one cent in ads/marketing costs!!!

  1. I then went live on Facebook to celebrate which brought more sales in √
  2. I messaged the book link to every single person who watched/reacted to that Facebook live, and EVERY SINGLE pre-launch post. I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty to get results. These are the people who expressed interest in the book, why not follow up? It’s not that people hate you, people are just busy, and most people don’t see most of your posts. JUST FOLLOW UP!
  3. Beyond that, I messaged every (business/entrepreneur) person I’d ever engaged with on every platform (Messenger, all my Facebook pages, etc)
  4. Added two new books to the funnel based on what people wanted ChatGPT help on (building a personal brand and how to get clients)
  5. This brought the total products in the funnel to eight ????????
  6. The main ChatGPT book was $39, but our average basket size was $110 because we had such quality upsells (I know my market. Again, you can’t cheat time- If you’re reading your target markets social media posts, seeing what they comment on your posts, and have an eye for what they’re interested in, you just get less things wrong. Use ChatGPT to make this all less painful!)

Part three: Scaling from $10,000 to $50,000 using Facebook ads

Marketers tie themselves up in knots testing 10,000 different copy and ad creatives, whipping themselves up into a state of anxiety.

It doesn't have to be that way.

If you have an existing audience, ads are simple.

Here's my golden rule:

If it converts well organically (i.e. without ads), it will convert well with ads.

I could've launched this book with ads on day one, but I didn't.


The Facebook pixel "conversion" event is the key to scaling fast on Facebook.

My method is to try and get at least 50 (ideally 100) conversions in the first week of launch.

Now that the Facebook pixel has fired that many times, Facebook truly knows who to show ads to in order to get conversions.

It doesn't need to blindly push the ad out to different audiences in the hopes of finding engagement, let alone clicks, let alone conversions.

With conversion event complete, you can scale fast.

This is how we scaled from $10,000 to $50,000+ in sales with very little adspend ($30 CPA, $130 average basket size, let alone building a customer list for long-term lifetime value)



Marketing is (obviously) easier with a big ad budget.

With experiments like this using my personal brand, I keep my blade sharp for creating and curating content which gets impressions without paying, and using my own money to scale my info products using ads.

By having skin in the game, I care that little % more, and can bring all my learnings to my corporate clients.


Proving demand organically is a secret sauce to scaling ads on a product very fast.


You can get paid to learn.

I packaged up everything I'd learned about using ChatGPT and was paid handsomely for it, in a product/launch which only took a few weeks of my time and had numerous benefits to bring back to my agency clients.


Want me to bring some of my learnings and growth marketing magic to your company? Message me here on Linkedin and let's talk!


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