My Music Review: Cinema 6 by Kayo Da Konspiracy
Not even halfway through the 1st month of the New Year & I think I came across the Hip Hop album, better the SOUNDTRACK OF THE YEAR!!! Cinema 6 by KAYO Da Konspiracy is an instant classic concept album that pays homage to the Cinema 6 theater in his home city of Missouri City, TX. One can argue, it can be considered "The 2020s Superfly Soundtrack of Hip Hop!" Not only is each song titled after Black Classic films such as "Boyz n The Hood", "How To Be A Player", "The Wood" & "Soul Food" just to name a few, but you can also make the argument that these songs can fit as deep cuts on the actual soundtracks to the films their named after. You can really feel that in the southern soul in the production, lyrics & storytelling. It was also great to hear legends like such as Lil Flip(Driving Miss Daisy) & Keith Murray(House Party 2) among other talented artists featured on the album.
Personal favorite: Menace to Society!!! It hits different for me after recently burying my father & losing friends over the years in Harlem, it can affect you mentally & spiritually & cause you to make decisions that can change the course of your life.
Once again, this just might be an early contender for album of the year. To paraphrase Biggie & Puff on Victory, it wouldn't surprise me to hear "his songs bump throughout New York & Houston like DJ Premier & Scarface produced them."
Rating: 5/5!!!
#HipHop #Music #KAYODaKonspiracy #Cinema6 #Independent #CLASSIC!!!