My Mother
0Forgive me, Lord, for the justice I will bring. My mother killed my innocence and tore my life apart because of it, and because of that, I laughed and have no regrets. I stand above you as the begging starts. Since the devil is locked up in me, I have no fear. Because my mother is a caged animal, I want to kill everyone. It would be over with just one punch. As For Mothers lover took his last breath, his head broke off the ground and shook. My heart is empty of all the love I used to have, and my blood is getting cold. I'll wait until the end of time to end your sad life, and then I'll cut you up with a butcher's knife! She will be in pain for a few hours. She won't get a picture of her face, right? I have no reason to keep living now that I have no more siblings. The only thing that makes me feel better is seeing my mother take her last breaths. I wanted revenge because I thought it would make me feel better. I want her to understand how much she hurt me. My life is falling apart, and I wanted to kill her for real.