My most important decision

My most important decision

In summer 2015 two friends and I went to a business event

The guys there promoted a 3 year business education around leadership and management.

This would open many doors for me in my banking career.

By the end of the event they had a paper to sign up with a discount.

Both my friends signed up.

Many others at the event did.

I was one of the only ones who didn’t sign the paper.

I went home and threw it away.

I can’t tell you what it was, but during that presentation there was an inner call that this wasn’t the right move for me and that god had planned something differently.

I listened to that voice and this is where two months later I started my first fitness company.

One of my RE buddies wanted to get in shape and he became the very first client of mine.

On his penthouse I put together a 3 day workout plan and nutrition protocol.

He got shredded and jacked and the proof of the formula was right there.

After that it took me close to a decade to create the business I have today.

Sometimes I hear that I was lucky.

While luck does play part, I believe I am blessed and worked my ass off for almost a decade.

And we’re just getting started.

I’ve had some of my best friends doubt that I’d pull it off and lost one of my best friends in a business partnership.

One of my buddies told me what if it doesn’t work out and you’ll be 30 and nothing to show for?

It was a scary question, but I had to take the risk and go all in and burn the bridges.

Today I’m glad I made that decision and I am where I am today.

Looking back, it reminded me of a post that my buddy Alen Sultanic did the other day.

He talked about the art of decision making which I quote some of what he said:

“The more decisions we make, the faster we move forward, the faster we grow, and the more money we receive.

There are good decisions, ok decisions, bad decisions, so-so decisions, all sorts of decisions...

...But one thing there is not is a wrong decision.

There are all sorts of decisions, but there are no WRONG decisions.

Because...all decisions move you forward and in that forward movement is where you lean, grow, adapt and course correct to getting to where you want to go.

The reason this is such a powerful mechanism in the mind is that manifestation of reality largely has to do with will power...

...And one thing that greatly depletes will power is indecision or not making decisions, because it communicates to the self that "we are powerless to move forward because we can't decide".

If you can't decide, there is fear, and fear is the great enemy of manifestation.”

Circling back to the question my friend asked me, it was a decision I made.

It could have turned out the complete opposite – and that is life.

But not making that decision or postponing it would have been worse.

Maybe you’re in a spot right now where you have to make an important decision.

Use this story including the psychology from Alen to move forward.

The faster you decide = The faster you grow or fail

And when you fail you learn.

Which contributes to your growth


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