My Monthly Internship Journey #LastPart

My Monthly Internship Journey #LastPart

“Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.”?

Assalamu'alaikum & Good Morning!

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I want to take a moment to thank the entire team for assisting and supporting me throughout this #internship . Your patience, expertise, and willingness to teach have truly made a difference in my professional growth. I will always value the relationships and friendships I have made here.

As my internship comes to a close, I am excited to take what I've learned and apply it to my future endeavors. My understanding of #OSHE in the #manufacturing sector has been significantly shaped by the guidance and encouragement that I received.

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Industrial training presentation to the supervising lecturer

Alhamdulillah, I also finished my industrial training and #project presentation to my supervising lecturer, Prof Juliana Jalaludin . Thank you, Prof. for coming all the way from UPM and assessing my presentation.?

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Sharing session with colleagues

My last contribution before I ended my internship was to share the knowledge I gained regarding #HIRADC , #AspectImpact , #ChemicalRegister , #CHRAIntroduction , #RiskandOpportunity & #WorkInstruction with my other colleagues in the same department. It took more than an hour. Alhamdulillah for this opportunity.?

I remember my colleague said:

“Hana sesuai jadi lecturer la.”

Even though it was a random opinion, I would say I’m proud of my new self that now can bravely and confidently talk to the crowd. The journey was not easy if I remembered how I was during the presentation at school. It was totally different!

I was afraid to take the #responsibility to share because I was an intern, and I am also learning. Nevertheless, thanks to my supervisor’s confidence in me, I was able to deliver the share successfully. Preparation, knowledge, and confidence are the main points!

Talking about sharing knowledge, I came across the following hadith:

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

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When the human being dies, his deeds end except for three: ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge, or a righteous child who prays for him.

Source: ?a?ī? Muslim 1631, Grade: Sahih

Apart from that, I would not have been able to make it this far without the guidance and support from Puan Nana. She founded the Malaysian Career Preparedness Association , which successfully offered several training programmes for career advancement among students and fresh graduates. I've never regretted joining this #organisation as it contributed to my accomplishment.

Lastly, I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to the entire Safety & Environment Department, S.E.H. Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. family for the unwavering support, trust, and remarkable work culture.? I consider myself incredibly #privileged to have worked under their wing and will always value the skills I learned.

I look forward to keeping in touch with you all and wish you all continued #success .

Side note: Some activity photos are confidential to be made publicly

#internship ?#siliconwafer ?#semiconductor ?#safetyandenvironment ?#chemicalregister ?#riskandopportunity #wotkinstruction #finalpresentation ?#hiradc ?#aspectimpact

Muhammad ZulRaihan Ramlan

Graduate Engineer | Mechanical | Process Engineer at Shin-etsu (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd

1 年

Inspiring journey, well done.

Juliana Jalaludin

Professor at Universiti Putra Malaysia

1 年

Well Done Hana! & All the best in your future endeavors

Nana Khan

PhD Researcher -UniKL | MBA, Majoring in Entrepreneurship-UNIRAZAK | COO, Nerv Global Sdn Bhd | Founder, President, Malaysian Career Preparedness Association, OSHEY | Career Mentor | Startup Mentor | Trainer

1 年

Proud of your career progress, my OSHEY MOVEMENT Malaysian Career Preparedness Association leader, Nurulhanafiya M ???????????? All The Best for your next adventurous career journey !

Muhammad Ubaydullah Khairuddin

Safety & Security Manager I Registered Safety & Health Officer (SHO) I Accredited Fire Risk Assessor (FRA) I Certified First Aider I ISO Internal Auditor I MSOSH Member I Graduate Technologist

1 年

Inspiring journey Nurulhanafiya M !

