Not My Money
Charlie Seraphin
Author--The Story of Your Life, When Did You Stop Being You? and One Stupid Mistake
...For an instant, when I first reached down to pick up the stranger’s money, I considered what would have been a stupid mistake. It would have been extremely easy to slip the money into my pocket and continue on down the street. My son wouldn’t have noticed or would have soon forgotten. There was nobody near us at that moment, and no one saw me pick it up. God knows I could have used the money. But in that instant, my little voice prevailed. I avoided a stupid mistake and decided to do the right thing.
There are hundreds of opportunities each year to do the right thing. Not every situation is as dramatic as the one I experienced in Ibiza, but we all have random moments when we can help a stranger. You don’t have to go around looking for lost treasures to return to their rightful owner. Sometimes it is as easy as a smile...(taken from One Stupid Mistake)