My Monday Rant: Gratitude
Tanki Letuka, MBA
Executive Head Of Department (EHOD) : Revenue Assurance and Fraud Management at Vodacom Mozambique
25th November 2024
"Go itse mang hore ke rap-a track yame ya bofelo, best ke dire ya gopelo... / Who knows if I'm rapping my last track, best I do a gospel one." Tuks Senganga, Let Me Live! Oh... last rant in November...
Whenever I think of gratitude, there's always ONE person that comes to mind... my mom! And it is not just for my gratitude to her, but because of how she herself epitomises the word, the concept of gratitude. But this rant is not about my mom, I just couldn't rant about gratitude without mentioning her, without that background.
For me, more than anything else, gratitude is about realisation; the explicit awareness that the occurances of the present time are resultant from the occurances in the past, influenced directly or indirectly by a being. That being could be implicitly identified - man or in some cases, a higher being. For us, Christians, that higher being is God. I saw a sermon recently on YouTube; a pastor was preaching about "men" (people, in Biblical terms). His main message was, "Don't not ignore people in your life... directly or indirectly." There are a lot of things that happen/ed in my life that I can't explain, that the only explanation for me is that it is God's intervention! There is always something constant in all though, there is always someone, somehow who is involved - a vessel though which that intervention manifests! That is "man" that the pastor said not to ignore!
Gratitude to you reading this. Ranting for me has always been that I punch in the air, I don't expect to hit anything... but there is a reason that I make these rants public, instead of just writing in my diary, I do want you to read them. Gratitude to the people who have had the any form of influenc in my life...I will not name or tag anyone, I have successfully avoided that thus far in these rants. But I'll say this, I literally do spend some time thinking about people sometimes, who have had influences on me, professionally and personally. From home, school at all levels, work in different organisations and to random interactions along the way. Needless to say, no career motivational speakers make the list.
As I think back, I come to a realisation that there are some people who have had such great influences on who I am now, and they probably do not know it. As such, I'm being intentional about my expressions of gratitude from this day on - genuine and direct.
Até proxima semana? The jury is out on this one... this might just be it!