Portfolio: My "MJ Method"? in Action
The author, leading a training for the Beijing Women's Network.

Portfolio: My "MJ Method" in Action

NEW YORK –?Below is my range of written content and public appearances (TV, radio, lectures, panel-moderating, etc.). All are related to my three-pronged career in International Journalism, Global Communications and International Education. Each piece of content contains elements of my MJ Method toolbox of skills, strategies and storytelling. The list is primarily from my five recent years in China – with a bit from my preceding 20 years in the US, Europe and Africa. For more, feel free to contact me:?mjjordan2016@yahoo.com.


Since February 2020 – when COVID forced me to flee Beijing, back to New York – I’ve often chronicled my experiences in China, with the Chinese, and what I call?China’s Global Communications Challenge:

*In September 2020, a Shanghai podcaster interviewed me?about my career.

*In April 2021, I gave?this online lecture?for the Long Island University’s Political Science Department.

*In July 2021, an acclaimed American podcaster?interviewed me?about Chinese Communications.

*In October 2021, I?crafted this Case-Study?about my recent experience in Global Communications consulting for the controversial Chinese tech giant, Huawei.

*In February 2022, Telum Media – the Singapore-based platform for the PR industry –?published my Op-Ed:?The Key to Unlocking China’s Global Communications Challenge? Fewer Platitudes, More Evidence


Executive Communications

In March 2022, I began working in a new field for me: Executive Communications. More specifically, as the lead Writer for the?Mekong River Commission?in Laos, which is entrusted to protect Southeast Asia’s largest river. For the MRC CEO, I’m writing speeches, OpEds and other Executive Communications.

For example,?this 800-word OpEd?was published in?The Bangkok Post?and several local languages. Next, my?3,000-word speech?for?“Mekong Day”?was praised by one diplomat as: “Best speech I’ve heard about Mekong issues and the MRC.” Said a second: “Truly appreciate how you provided scientific evidence in an easily understandable manner – no easy feat.” And a third: “Straight to the point, with little jargon.” Then, after an unfair, inaccurate attack from an Australian think-tank, I?crafted this rebuttal?for the CEO.

Plus, these five Press Releases, so far:

1) https://www.mrcmekong.org/news-and-events/news/pr-16052022/; 2)?https://www.mrcmekong.org/news-and-events/news/pr-28042022/; 3)?https://www.mrcmekong.org/news-and-events/news/pr-14032022/; 4)?https://www.mrcmekong.org/news-and-events/news/pr-15032022/; 5)?https://www.mrcmekong.org/news-and-events/news/pr-1apr2022/; 6)?https://www.mrcmekong.org/news-and-events/news/pr-04072022/.


Published Articles/Commentaries

*The Power of an Apology: Why China Should Express Regret for COVID-19


*Published in China Daily:?Enduring the Coronavirus Epidemic: The Case for “Rational Alarmism”


*Published by CGTN Online:?Amid Coronavirus Scare, A Call for Empathy - From Both Sides


*Published by Beijing Kids Magazine:?My Son, My Roommate: Single Parenting in Beijing


*Beijing Kids Mag:?Adventures in College Admissions: A Father & Son Hunt for “The Right Fit” [Part I]


*Beijing Kids Mag:?Lessons in College Admissions: A Father & Son Hunt for “The Right Fit” [Part II]


*For Beijing lecture:?Fake News, Post-Truth and "Media Literacy for Youth" in The Age of Trump


*For a journalist colleague who died:?In Memoriam, 20 Years Later: Sander Thoenes



Working for China Global Television Network (CGTN)

*I recently concluded one year of working for CCTV-CGTN, as a News Editor, Scriptwriter and Global Communication expert for the popular opinion show,?The Point with Liu Xin. For the three shows below, I also served as Foreign-Media Analyst, providing Liu Xin with the research, analysis and scriptwriting:

*April 23, Live: Headline Buster – special program for B&R Initiative?https://news.cgtn.com/news/3d51544d7751545a326c4754/index.html

*May 13, Live: Headline Buster – what foreign media say and don't say about China:?https://news.cgtn.com/news/3d597a4e7751545a326c4754/index.html

*Oct. 18, Live: Headline Buster – 70 years of New China: from poverty to prosperity:?https://news.cgtn.com/news/2019-10-17/Live-Headline-Buster-70-years-of-New-China-KRbRY3GxaM/index.html

*Plus, the historic moment when Liu Xin challenged Fox News’ Trish Regan. I was the editor guiding Xin:


*Lastly, my essay on why I decided to join CGTN, among the world’s largest media-propaganda channels:



Media Appearances

MJ and his Environmental Communications Training featured by China Daily (10-minute video):


MJ as Global Communication Expert on CCTV-CGTN special:?How would China be without Globalization?

[From minute 23]?https://news.cgtn.com/news/3d596a4d794d545a326c4754/share_p.html

MJ invited as a Cross-Cultural Communication expert, on China Radio International (Jan. 10th, 2020):


MJ invited as a Foreign-Affairs Analyst on the CCTV-CGTN program “Asia Today”:?https://www.zhihu.com/pin/938161158600036352


Moderator of Panel Discussions

*For the Swiss Embassy in Beijing:?Skills & Strategies to Structure & Moderate Any Panel Discussion


*European Chamber of Commerce:?China's Pace of Reform & the Trade "War" - Optimism, Skepticism



Communication Consultancies/Projects/Trainings

*My training for the Communications team at the Mars Corporation’s Global Food Safety Center:



*In my three-month Communications Consultancy for the UN’s International Labor Organization in Beijing, I coached Chinese labor experts to produce, step by step, illuminating?impact-stories. Examples:




*I secured a grant from the US Embassy in Beijing for my own communication-advocacy project,?The Chinese Champions of Environmental Protection, and trained Chinese activists to write their own stories of awakening, inspiration and activism. I created a webzine as?a platform and showcase?for their stories.

*China Daily, a leading source of English-language news, later?featured me and my training.

*My lessons-learned:?Want to Impact an Audience? The Case for Humanized, Evidence-Based Stories


*For the IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute office in China, I designed, researched, scripted and hosted a 10-video series, to teach Chinese youth how to advocate against Food Waste – through Communications Storytelling. Those videos were published on China’s video-sharing platform,?YouKu.

*My lessons-learned:?Distance-Learning as a Tool for Advocacy, Communications and Behavioral Change


*A Shenzhen-based company –?HelloTalk, a global language-exchange App – contracted me to write humanizing impact-features about how the App has positively impacted its members. Three examples:




*My lessons-learned:?International Communication: How to Illuminate Your Organization’s Impact?



More MJ Essays About Global Communications & International Storytelling

*(On teaching remotely)?Dreams Delayed: How COVID Hurts Foreign Students & International Education


*(On consulting for Huawei)?Building a Bridge of Cross-Cultural Communication – From the Chinese Side


*The MJ Method: Skills in Strategic Communication, Messaging & Writing - To Impact Any Audience


*How to "Open A Window" Onto China - For a Smart, Curious, Global Audience


*The UN in China, Forty Years Later: How to Prove Any Organization’s Impact?


*International Journalism Vs. International Communication: Similar Storytelling, Two Key Differences


*My Own Communications Strategy (developed while living in Africa):?"The Fork in the Road"


*Public Speaking: Teaching Chinese Students How to Deliver Impactful Speeches in English



Personal Branding/Cross-Cultural Communication Lectures

*At Peking University:?Skills & Strategies to Illuminate Your Leadership – and Build Your Brand!


*Shanghai Conference:?Cross-Cultural Communication: Empathy, EQ & A Quick How-To Guide


*Beijing Women’s Network:?Personal Branding: Skills to Compete With Peers & Climb the Career Ladder



Journalism/Storytelling Trainings

*Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU):?Storytelling from China, in the Pipeline


*BFSU:?Storytelling from China - Skills & Strategies to Present it Persuasively


*CGTN Training:?Producing News for Foreigners - A Training in Effective Skills & Strategies


*Renmin University:?For the Time-Capsule: Teaching Students "Storytelling from China"


*Skills & Strategies for Chinese Students to Write Winning Application Essays for U.S. Universities


*Show, Don't Tell: Credible Evidence Is Key To Writing A Persuasive Essay for U.S. Universities



More Publications, Before Moving to China in 2015

In 1994, I became a full-time, freelance Foreign Correspondent, based in Budapest. Over the years, I’ve written extensively for the?Christian Science Monitor?(140-plus articles, in their archive);?Foreign Policy?magazine;?Agence-France Press; and many others. If you’d like more links, I’ll happily provide them.

But here’s a sampling of my coverage as the only Western correspondent living in crisis-struck Lesotho:

(Sept. 2, 2014)?Christian Science Monitor:?Why Attempted Coup in Lesotho Presents Regional Dilemma

(Sept. 5, 2014)?BBC World Service:?“During the Night, Several Shots Rang Out”?(Audio)

(Sept. 10, 2014)?Agence France-Presse (AFP):?Zuma in Bid to Rescue Lesotho Peace Deal

(Sept. 12, 2014) China’s?Xinhua:?News Analysis: Amid Lesotho's Political Crisis, No Easy Solutions

(Sept. 13, 2014)?AFP:?South Africa to Call Emergency Meeting Over Lesotho Parly Saga

(Sept. 18, 2014)?The Mantle:?One Morning in African Diplomacy?(My photo Essay)

(Sept. 19, 2014)?AFP:?Lesotho Police and Military in Early-Morning Shootout

(Sept. 21, 2014)?AFP:?As Crisis Continues, Lesotho Buries Victim of Foiled Coup

(Sept. 25, 2014)?AFP:?Prince Wants King to Flex Muscles to Fix Lesotho's Woes

(Sept. 29, 2014)?AFP:?Lesotho Police Investigate Own Officers Over Coup Killing

(Oct. 1, 2014)?AFP:?Lesotho Army, Police in Fresh Shootout; 2 Cops Wounded?(Plus my?photos)

(Oct. 17, 2014)?AFP:?Lesotho MPs Dance as Parliament Re-Opens After Coup Crisis?(Plus?photos)

(Oct. 23, 2014)?AFP:?Deal Reached to End Lesotho Military Standoff?(Plus?photos)

(Nov. 6, 2014)?AFP:?General Accused of Breaking Peace Deal?

(Nov. 10, 2014)?AFP:?Lesotho Hunts Foreign "Mercenaries"; Fears Assassination Plot?(Plus?photos)

(Nov. 19, 2014)?AFP:?Lesotho Calls for Expulsion of Two SADC Commanders

(Dec. 4, 2014) South Africa’s?Mail & Guardian:?A Journalist on Trial?(Intimidating media, including me.)

(Dec. 5, 2014)?AFP:?Lesotho King Dissolves Parliament Ahead of Vote

(Dec. 12, 2014) SA’s?Mail & Guardian:?Lesotho Wrestles With Corruption

(Jan. 28, 2015) South Africa’s?Daily Maverick:?Lesotho’s Toothless Watchdog

(Feb. 2, 2015)?AFP:?Lesotho Army Rejects Blame for Shootout with PM's Bodyguards

(Feb. 6, 2015)?AFP:?Lesotho Soldiers on Hit Mission Arrested in South Africa: Minister

(Feb. 13, 2015) SA’s?Mail & Guardian:?Climate of Uncertainty and Fear Haunt Upcoming Lesotho Poll

(Feb. 13, 2015) SA’s?Daily Maverick:?Finally, Some Good News ... Basotho Youth Showing a Pulse

(Feb. 19, 2015) SA's?Mail & Guardian:?Ominous Rumblings from Lesotho's Army Ahead of Elections

(Feb. 27, 2015)?Foreign Policy?magazine (Wash, DC):?Dispatch: The Mountain Kingdom, On the Brink

(March 24, 2015) South Africa’s?Daily Maverick:?Op-Ed: Lesotho’s Continuing Criminal Cover-up

(July 3, 2015) SA’s?Daily Maverick:?Op-Ed: Assassination in Lesotho – Blood on SADC’s Hands, Too


Contributed Chapters to Books

1) 2011, I contributed two chapters to?Gypsy Sexuality: Romani and Outsider Perspectives on Intimacy:


*My lessons-learned:?https://www.mantlethought.org/international-affairs/gypsy-sexuality-book

2) In 2014, I wrote two chapters for?the EU-funded?Beyond Your World?project’s handbook:

????????????*I have this as a PDF – which I’ll provide, if you like.

3) In 2015, I wrote all 24 profiles about African HIV Orphans for?Voices from the Mountains of Lesotho:




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