My Messengers from my MUM

My Messengers from my MUM

My Messengers from my Mum

Dec 3 2024

Winnie Nguyen Pham

I have been travelling in many places for studies including USA and visiting my places in Vietnam. I have been meeting with many people around the world including the poor and the global world richest and the global world famous businessmen, and I have been reading many books since I was a little girl until I am now. However, the person that I never forget is my Mum. She was not famous and not bored in the richest family but she is the modern woman with the great knowledgeable mind. I love to be out with her every day and every minute, every second. She was born in the wrong in the decade then she could not be successful and she had met the wrong man as my Dad now. That is why She loved to share with me anything especially her feelings to make me be luckier and more successful than her later even I did have some official mistakes in the personal past life but from now on, I promise with her that I will never step back on my wrong and her wrong. I do know that I am not greater than her for the knowledge even I am studying much more than her but I don’t know how to control and manage my personal life to make it turn to be Bullshit. That is my fault.

Every day on the roads picking up and taking me to the bus station to go to school, she always explains to me anything which the life concepts should be. The first lessons she taught me are the ethical for the people. In this morning she asked me one question as “What is the meaning of promiscuity?” and she asked me to check on the Google for the meaning. That is what I got from Google: “ consisting of a wide range of different things and having or characterized by many?transient?sexual relationships.” However, my Mum did not say that: “Google is wrong.” Then she explained for me those as:

“ When the man had many sexual relationship, he did not stop for the first one but he still sticks with the last and the new ones. That is the promiscuity. When the man was promiscuous, he would know what he does for his life and he did not know his mistakes. He will become the respectful man for his life. If the man makes the mistakes for the sexual as dating or flirting, he comes home and says Sorry and Shut up his mouth. That is the man who we should respect. Even life is having much evils around us.”

Yes, I am totally agreeing with what she did explain for me in this morning and makes me have a long thinking for this concept. I do know that not many ladies have many luckies to meet the right, great, and ethical husbands to make their life become beautiful. For example: I was, too. I did met the wrong persons like my first husband and my past partner. But I was much luckier than my mum because I stopped those relationships not waiting them for becoming the worst in our life then I could become stresses out then. Among many friends of my Mum, they are so luckies when they have the great nicest and understandable husbands. When they are old now, they are still hand in hand. Some have their husbands passing away, but they could not forget their husbands to go for the next marriages then. But my Mum is not. In the past, my little sister did say that: “ Mum, do you think you can use your hands to close the sky forever?” She was keeping sillent with the sad smiles and with the tears out in her broken heart. Because of me and my little daughter, she has to keep her marriage life like this as not facing to the facts of the messy sexual actions of my Dad. Yes, that is why I never want to make my Mum sad for any reasons because she is only having me as her shoulder and her best friend not as I am the oldest daughter.

She is explaining me any ethical characteristics for one wife and one husband and what the duties for us while we are on that relationship. I do know that I have the greatest Mum forever then I can have the biggest dream for my futures and my little daughter. Everyday, beside taking care of me, she is teaching my little daughter even she is not fluent in English but she is never wanting to become lost behind the modern decade. When we did not have internet, she bought the books and she read them and explained and taught me like what the books taught her. The reasons she had to read the books first before teaching me and talking to me are that I was lazy for reading the books and I had no time to read the extra books. When I went to school in Vietnam, every summer, she read the school books then she taught me and my little sister before the schools started.

Yes, I did know that our family were poor, but she was dreaming that I and my little sister were fluent in English as the native speakers. She wanted to make me and my little sister become the Global Citizens which not many Mum can do this dream expect for her because now both I and my little sister are really Global Citizens now. My little sister, she has Vietnamese Citizen and Australian Citizen. She is living in Canada for her working. Also me, I am the sceret Global Citizen now even my Mum did not know what I am working and doing now because I am hidding her for my duties of my positions now. Most of the time, she always sees me to be on my laptop and typing with the music and going to the schools but she does not know what I am doing on my laptop. She thinks I am playing online but now, I am working from distance online at home which I am hidding her about this and I am hidding my salaries and all my global properties because I am using her money for my expenses and my schools and my little daughter’s school and I am staying in her house then not in my home. It shows that I am unemployee and I am having no money with her. She never know that this daughter of her is one of the world richest girls with the much powerful. This daughter of her can help her solve out any problems with one calling up from her cellphone then that will be done because all of the World Leaders do admire this daughter of her. She can help her do anything her like do because Mum did make her like the one she was dreaming to be even she does not need to go any where. She just needs to sit and from her personal working emails and her cellphone she can work anything which Mum likes to be. But from my heart, I do know that she is proud of me the most even she did not know how many global properties I have and how the will and the heritage that I did write if I am died one day for her.

To make me become Global Citizens, Mum has been much challenging. She had to work any jobs to earn money and teach me since I was a little baby until now. Every night, she had to stay later to sew the clothes for the clients to earn money for me. To be wanting me beautiful on dressing, she had to design my clothes for me and my little sister because we were poor. We had no money to shop out. To teach me to have the knowledge for designing, she had to learn to be professional of sewing. When I was marriaging at the first time, I was designing the wedding dress and she was the one to sew it out with me to choose the great material fabric. When I came to USA for my studying in College, I needed to have the long coat. She was the one to sew and design for me with my choosing the fabric for her to sew out. With this coat, all many people admired that they thought it made from the famous fashion brand not from the normal Vietnamese tailor. When letting me to have the tuitions to study in USA, she did work as many causal jobs as Insurance agent, and Cometics Agent. Every night with the motorbike without the bad weathers or good weathers, she had to drive to all the clients to talk and ask them to sign the Insurance contracts and ask them to buy the Cometics to have money for our tuitions as me and my little daughter in USA because both of us wanted to go to study in USA then before we came to Australia. Then later it was the the Education Agent before we started our first company in Vietnam.

“ She never knows that her daughter is on current project for opening her own Global English Channel Group which calls as WNP Channel as Winnie Nguyen Pham, her English nickname with Vietnamese Congress then because she did dream that she can stay home to watch the tivi in her daughter’s channel when she gets old. It is because she could not go to travell around the world later. This is that the reason she forces her Mum to learn English through her daughter’s English own Channel.”

“Yes, to appreciate to Mum, I will do all of what you were dreaming about and I will do what you would not do any more. I am promising that I will buy the own airplane for you then you can travel all the world after I am done with my current jobs because at this moment, I can’t get all money salaries out. I am not allowing to do that. That is why I need you to give me some time, my greates Mum.”

I have to say: “Thanks so much!” for you teaching me this quotation: “If I want to have the global world richest man to marry you, you have to have the great knowledge not because of your beauty. It is because none of them is stupid for you, my daughter.” After thinking for a while, I know you are correct Mum. Thanks Gods for it. What I need now is to be updating my knowledge and keeping my healthy well because without having knowledge and healthy, we cannot do anything then. Those key words are the great life concepts for our dating life with the global world richest men then. Outer beauty can be repaired but knowledge lasts forever.

??????? ????????? ????????? ????????? ---- END----


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