My message to young people.
- Be a follower; wait on someone else to show up and lead.
- Don't care because not caring is helping our world.
- Be status quo because that is working really well.
- Don't trust anyone because we should not trust anyone for anything.
- Don't believe because miracles don't occur.
- Don't be open to learning because diverse thoughts and opinions are wrong.
- Don't organize because connecting and working with diverse persons and cultures is something we can't control.
- Don't be curious because the world is not fascinating.
- Fear because the unknown is scary.
- Wait and do nothing because that is how change occurs.
- Be silent because that communicates what you want or feel clearly, and fairly and creates positive change.
- Don't be a Changemaker because your work means nothing and has no value or impact on society.
- Don't be responsible or accountable for the incredible work you signed up for or are working on because you don't want more dynamic support on the backend to elevate it and want to remain the status quo.
- Don't ask questions, discuss, work together or be inclusive because you know everything.
- Don't help because that's not important for the community.
- Don't listen because it doesn't matter
- Don't be flexible because we don't need change.
- Don't be a team player, because we don't need each other.
- Don't help young people, because they don't matter.
- Don't believe in yourself because YOU don't matter.
- Don't be?a?light?of?hope?because?that?is?not?needed.
YOU matter. YOU are worthy. YOU are important. #BeAChangemaker #InspiredByYouth