My Message to the Rare Disease Community
On the left, Riccardo Galfetti, first son of Paolo, born with PKU; On the right, Paolo Galfetti, CEO of APR/COO of Relief Therapeutics, Riccardo's father

My Message to the Rare Disease Community

Dear Rare Disease Community,

For #RareDiseaseDay , I would like to share my own rare story.

My name is Paolo Galfetti and I’m the CEO of APR Applied Pharma Research s.a. and COO of RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA .

When my work-day finishes, though, I’m also the father of Riccardo, born with #phenylketonuria (or #PKU for short), a metabolic disease I had never heard of before his birth.

Although I grew up in a scientific and medical environment, only becoming Riccardo’s dad made me realise what #patients with rare diseases experience everyday: the continuous questions about the disease you not always want to answer to; the faces around you because you/your child may be different; the struggles around attending social events like birthday parties or a simple dinner with friends; the need of always being extremely organised and patient because last-minute changes can really be challenging to face, not only for you but for your family as well.

Because you are much more than your disease.

As the COO of an international biopharmaceutical group with a strong expertise in drug delivery systems, I have the privilege to combine my professional self, with my personal story.

Together with Jack Weinstein , CEO of the Relief Group, and all our passionate employees around the world, we would like to renew our strong commitment to all rare families, by ensuring continuous scientific developments aimed at addressing patients’ unmet needs and improve the quality of life of people living and dealing with rare diseases, both through our strong scientific know-how and an actively spreading awareness within the community.

“When you become a father, you discover that your greatest wish is to protect this person that you’re getting to know. To see him grow up. To see him happy. Until one day, you realise that the time has come, and he is able to take care of himself. And you hope that everything you’ve done for him will be enough.”

Live your best life! - PKU short movie Finalist at 2022 Uno Sguardo Raro - rare disease international film festival

Thank you for reading my story and happy Rare Disease Day!

Paolo Galfetti

CEO APR Applied Pharma Research

COO Relief Therapeutics?


