About My Mentor
Mignon ILtchenko
Satisfaction Ninja | Kills hiring headaches with a razor-sharp diagnostic.
My mentor is my Aunt. She has always been there for me when no one else was. She is logical, non-judgemental, loving, supportive and above all accepts me unconditionally.
She once gave the most beautiful compliment. She said, "Mignon, put it this way, if I was in a plane going down, I would want you to be the one with me... because you always make a plan".
Might not sound like much to others, but this confirmed how much confidence she holds in me. And she was the first person to make me realise how strong I really am.
Since then, I have started attracting more "confidence" in myself, simply because of one vote of confidence from someone who really sees me, and this has led to bigger and better things, in all ways.
Thank you Jeni.