Who Are You Really?
Sara J. Sanderson
Soul Guidance for your fulfilment in THIS lifetime | Practical Support | UK Business Opportunity | Earn an Extra Income
Who we are psychologically is made up. Knowing this has liberated me from limitations and the endless need for self improvement. Spending time improving something that we make up (Thought created) doesn’t make much sense does it?
Let me explain where I’m coming from.
I wrote the following a few months back to speak a little to the deeper understanding I had about the inside out nature of life and how we live in a Thought created Universe.
I knew intellectually that my personality was made up but I was only considering the surface level stuff of what I was consciously thinking about. This was serving me well with recognising I could ignore my own judgements and didn’t have to be offended by other people's judgements of me or anyone or anything else. It was freedom to me, and although I could connect with the space between my thoughts, choose to respond to life rather than react, and experience deep peace, I still engaged in things like self healing. I felt like I needed to integrate past hurts and overcome blocks that perhaps were preventing me from living more fully and hindering my ability to reach my human potential. I spent a lot of time and tons of money looking into my unconscious and bringing to my conscious mind beliefs that I felt needed to be cleared and integrated for my greater good – so I could live my best life.
It wasn't until April 2017 that I had a deeper insight into the human experience when I fully got how it's not just what I consciously am aware of that's made up, all the unconscious stuff about me is made up too. I made a couple of videos at the time:
Part 1 ~ https://youtu.be/4vJTzC3k5l4
Part 2 ~ https://youtu.be/m6JDwOjy9Tk
So my attempts to heal stories of the past, heal my body by looking at the root emotional cause, or face my fears, and improve myself in certain areas. It was all well meaning but still focused in the direction of my made up self!!!! My past, my present, and my future are all a made up experience from Thought for me to watch, enjoy and engage with as much or as little as I like. The real 'I' (who I am before Thought) is whole, well and complete. I have innate wellbeing built in by design. No improvements are required, no healing is required. Finally 'knowing' this rather than an intellectually understanding has provided another level of freedom.
What I see now is our humanness is not designed to be perfect. Our human potential doesn’t rest upon overcoming our fears and healing our past trauma, it’s about getting out of our own way, having less of me on my mind, so I can engage fully in what’s happening in the moment. We are beautifully imperfect, and that’s what makes for tremendous experiences. Without imperfection where would contrast be? I’ve come to realise our humanness doesn't require healing and improving, it’s to be enjoyed as it is. Each of us having our unique stories that make for such a thrilling ride through life. I’ve spent so much time on trying to improve a Thought created self that simply doesn’t require that sort of attention. The endless digging into Thought created stories about myself, and my ancestors that really don’t need to be examined. I must say I don't regret any of the trainings I’ve done, or the retreats, or 1:1 sessions I’ve had. Many provided profound experiences, and we can ever only do the best with what we know. When we know different we act different. We can only see what we see at the time and that’s ok.
I genuinely believed I needed to solve some inner mystery to operate at my maximum level. I intellectually understood I didn't need to be fixed, yet there I was still trying to solve some puzzle. It’s like I’ve been looking for the movie sequel of my life and then the next movie and then the next. I must have got to Sara J. Sanderson part 9 by now. We all know it’s rare for sequels and subsequent films to offer anything more than the original. I simply do not need to improve on my original life story, BUT what I can do is see the original for what it is - an elaborate Thought created story that does not have to define me or how I behave in the now.
Since this deeper understanding I’ve taken steps I would not have done previously. I choose not to limit my limitless Self and I choose to let more of my True Nature shine out into the world, and enjoy my humanness and human experience to the max!!!
From now on I’m only going to be looking in the direction of Truth and enjoying conversations about how living from this space opens up infinite possibilities and creative potential.
I’d love your questions and comments. What do you hear for yourself in what I’ve shared? What do you currently see?
Much love
If you would like to join a conversation about how the human experience works. I host a group called Tea & Insights ~ You Don't Need To Change To Be Happy www.facebook.com/groups/teaandinsights Check out the group description and see if it makes sense for you to join.