My love for "God" and how he has affected my life.

To many times I have heard that people have decided that they are no longer religious ( non religious). When I see this or hear this I can't understand how anyone can feel that way. As I look back over my life I see my Lord standing by my side through everything. From the time I was a very young child I realized that there was a power in my life that gave me a determination for life that nothing else gave me. My grandmother, mother and father gave me the knowledge to understand how walking with God by my side was the only way to live in this very hard world. They all loved God dearly and could not or would not try alone. I learned that he gave us so much power from birth to have a better life. Also that we had to decide to hold on to his love, faith, determination to thrive and fight back against any and everything that comes our way. As I have been on my journey in my life I have seen his miracles, power at work, love for me and other, ability to forgive, guide, lead and never forsake me. There has never been anyone in my life that has been there like him. Always watching over me and comforting me. Allowing me to see things that most people may never experience. Just because I placed my life in his hands and understood who he is and why he is there for me. Everyday I start my life by thanking him, asking for his guidance, protection for myself, family and friends. I also ask for more time on this earth to do his will. I am a true "BELIEVER"in my father God he lives inside me and I praise him daily. My strength, power, will and determination come from him. We as a people could not survive without his love, grace and mercy. When we get tired and can't hold on anymore he takes us home to live with him for eternity. There are times when he calls us home because he wants us to be with him at this moment. We must not question his decisions or wonder why things happen we must trust his decisions and know he loves us.


MS. Kathy S.Robinson, Turner的更多文章

