My Long Covid Blog by Steven

My Long Covid Blog by Steven

I suffered two Covid infections in March and April 2020 whilst working as a Health Care Support Worker at a Welsh Health Board. My initial infection was more than likely caught from an agency worker I worked with at Knighton Community Hospital. This worker was constantly coughing throughout the night, I worked in close proximity with said person.

Five days later I developed a pain in my upper left lung, the next morning I developed a high temperature, breathing difficulties, nausea, hallucinations, crushing fatigue and loose bowels. I was then all but bedridden for two weeks, barely managing to get to the toilet that was only a few metres away, having to stop half way to sit and rest.

Approximately 6 weeks later, I went back to work at a different hospital when my base was closed and all staff were moved to work at community hospital, we were not given a choice, we were just moved. We received no induction or any instruction on the new ward. After two weeks which included 5 night shifts, I became unwell again with my second infection of Covid. During my first two shifts there was little PPE on the ward except standard gloves and aprons. No face masks or face shields were present. There were several patients that were suspected of Covid infection but during these early stages of the Pandemic, testing kits were rare. Eventually, three testing sets were found and a driver was sent to fetch them from another hospital, the name of which I cannot remember. Three patients were tested and one was found to be positive, this patient was not barrier nursed up until that point. We would have been in close proximity for 15 to 20 minutes, three to four times a shift with this patient.

The patient passed during my time off the ward which was roughly 48 hours. I went back and worked another 3 night shifts and then developed a severe sore throat, chest pain and temperature once again on the Friday morning of that week. This time round I was bedridden along with my partner who nursed the same patient as myself. As it was during lockdown, we had no help, our family could not stay to help as we were probably contagious. I managed to look after my partner as best as I could during this time.

After this second infection, my partner and I have not worked again. My contract was terminated in June of 2023 after 12 years of service, my partners contract was terminated in September of the same year. Life since 2020 has been difficult and stressful. We both suffer extreme fatigue, memory loss, confusion, breathing problems, nerves issues, mental health exacerbation of Anxiety issues and depression. Our social life has been taken away from us, friends of many years have decided to move on, as have some family members, what outings we do have are minimally planned due to fatigue. A large percentage of our shopping is done online so it’s delivered to our home. In short, we are a pale shadow of our former selves. During September of 2023 I developed type 2 diabetes and have been on medication since then, it’s being managed well so far.

My personal problems and difficulties / my life now.

Here is a list of my personal issues and problems developed since my double covid infection in early 2020:

  1. Extreme fatigue
  2. Shortness of breath / breathing difficulties
  3. Type 2 Diabetes
  4. Exercise intolerance / post exertional malaise
  5. Concentration difficulties
  6. Shaking hands / loss of fine dexterity (having to stop my hobby of model building)
  7. Eye sight has been affected in the last two years (currently wearing non prescribed glasses to read / fine print)
  8. Depression has increased which affects my mood and motivation
  9. An increase in anxiety levels.
  10. Memory / metal confusion / memory loss
  11. Sleep disturbances / vivid dreaming
  12. Joint pain / muscle pain

Life has not been the same since 2020. I have always worked in some capacity or other since I was 14 years old and most importantly worked full time in private care and the NHS up until 2017 when I reduced a shift for more flexibility outside of work. I now have no job and exist on benefits only, I have no real social circle anymore and rarely go out and about. When I do go out a few times a month it is to visit family, a doctor or a shop. My old hobby of model building has been put on the back burner since 2020 and I feel it may not return, although I can manage well with Lego kits so I hold out hope. I read more fiction now as opposed to my old hobby of historical and factual material, simply because I can’t remember factual material well enough to justify reading it.

I’d like to say thank you for the opportunity to tell my story.


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