My long-awaited email list announcement (it's FINALLY here!) ??
So I've been working nearly non-stop for the last 30+ hours to get my email list up and running.
Pulled an all-nighter last night, slept 3 hours, and got back to it all day today lol.
So why did it take so long, exactly?
Well, there was quite a learning curve in the technical setup and the website design (since I opted to do every part of it myself).
But the learning curve was quite steep with it since I don't have much background in web design.
Then I also had to get all the technical back-end stuff set up in the email marketing software and integrated to my website, which I hadn't done before.
Then I had to painstakingly troubleshoot and fix bugs that would pop up along the way…
And I still had to write the copy for the landing page and welcome email. And polish up my downloadable cheat sheet.
So there was a lot of trial and error, and it took longer than expected.
But the good news is that it's finally DONE.
And my email list has finally LAUNCHED.
I'll be further refining and polishing up my website and welcome sequence over time, of course.
But everything is up-and-running.
And even though I feel like a literal zombie right now, it feels good to have it finished.
And it was quite a fun challenge to take on. Jumping into uncharted waters and working flat-out to figure it out and get it done in time for the deadline.
Anyway, I'll probably make a more "proper" post to promote it tomorrow.
For now though, I'm nearly comatose as I write this lol, and it's time to pass out.
But if you enjoy these posts…
You can finally get access to my "21 Cult-Brand Copywriting Commandments" and join my long-awaited list.
Eventually, my daily articles will become exclusive to my list. And I'll be saving my BEST stuff, and giving lots of goodies, to my cherished subscribers.
So if you'd like to hop aboard and get your free copy of the Commandments, go here:
Yours Zombie,
-Beau D. Schultz