My Little Part
Linda C. Lamb
Living a Life of Freedom by Empowering & Protecting people with their Legal Rights throughout the United States and Canada.
I love to travel! Some places I could stay for 3 months at a time. That’s one of my life’s goals to be a kind of Nomad. That being said, I am grateful that I live here. Although we have major problems; I don’t want to live anywhere else – coming home is sweet.
The work I do; provide access to our justice system and change lives through mentoring is more about mission than commission. It’s my little part to make this country and the world a better place for us all.
Life is hard and we only get this one time to make a positive impact. My father used to tell me that once I hit 25, the years would speed by and he didn’t lie! I blink and it’s another year. The decision I made a while ago was to do what I can to help. I’m a chronic volunteer, networker and connector.
I love connecting people to others and services that will help make their lives not so hard.
If I can help you either through giving you access to the justice system, mentoring opportunities or networking; please contact me for a conversation.
All the best to you in life!
Linda Lamb
If you haven’t heard… I love music! Have a listen to one of my favorites that inspires me to keep doing my little part. “We Are The World”
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self eployed owner at Apple Maintenance service
5 年wish you successes