My lifestyle Habits
In the early works of style theory, Episode 35 explored the works of Fung Shui, and I loved this theory, however, I really understood the fact that different elements for it all need to be addressed for different people, and it functions differently for different people.?Here is the video, in case you wondered.
So, my hope is to create an updated version of this.?
My Method of optimisation is a recent optimisation process I knew had potential. It follows some easy to follow steps, and can be broken down to a timeline.
First, are you a messy person, or a tidy person? Be honest.
If you are naturally a messy person, then the first step is learning the basics, and getting into a tidy habit should you need it. It's very different with each individual, so, don't compare, it's totally normal to feel everything you're feeling. Once you're all trained after a while, (which can vary from person to person) you can move onto the second step, should you want to.
If you know, or already exist in a tidy environment, that's great! But- let's up the game to give it some extra boosts. First, we're going to take some of the basic foundations of Feng shui. If you don't know what that is, it's a structure of lifestyle in Chinese culture that dates back over 5000 years.
But- I'm adding more up to date elements to it.
There are lots of subsections people consider in the art, so, for the sake of structure, we're going to use the main formats that are widely agreed on. That is
This all contains elements that have science to prove similar elements to it. With this said, What elements am I including? Well, nature incorporated into your own life as well as office spaces allow a better attention span. If you're a colour fan, get something that's most your style! like a flower in your favourite colour, or shape. Try to aim for something non-artificial, however, we can't always make deadlines, sometimes we aren't built that way- and honestly, sometimes sometimes it's just hard. So, either way, pick something that works for your taste.
Afterwards, feng shui recommends using natural lighting. (again, not always possible here, BUT we can use artificial light to help people in this subsection.)So, for this element, I decided to divide it. If you can use natural light, use it in your daily life. A simple change, but the basic premise works.
If you can't however, (something I'm adding in for my optimisation process) is now an investment in lighting that feels as close to natural as you can afford. If you have a dimmer, use this throughout the day to help the mind understand a kind of pattern to follow. This is for both types of people.
Now, we move onto the 3rd element, command.
The premise feels confusing, but the short answer to it is to rearrange your furniture in accordance with your door, so you have a clear line of the door, without being directly in line with the door. This is the command position in work.
However, my adaptation for balance is slightly different. Rather than feng shui's design of a set rule to follow specific colours to have different benefits; I propose something a little simpler. To go for the colours that you are more comfortable with in your living space.
Now, after all the feng shui adaptations are complete, we can now move onto the digital part. An extension to the whole thing.
First, let's get the simpler questions done. If you don't have a clean desktop, or a clean drive, we can start there.
First, we need to divide work from personal. From then on, it's more about subsections. Who the email is going to, what it's about, ect. Those easily come with time, and should feel more customised, and feel more natural to you.
Now, enhancements. Email has lots of features online to discover. So, let's just break down the email enhancements. First, be sure to write a professional email signature, as well as a personal one. Both display a level of undeniable 'I'm well organised.' that people LOVE to see.
Next, we're going to auto-organise. so we can be lazy, and just worry about the emails later. The main steps for this element are simple. Customise the recipient emails to go to a specific folder. This will allow a slightly better workflow.
Now, moving onto the Drive. The unanimously used storage space. Yet again, we're going to be using the typical 'divide work from personal' deal. Then, if it's more flexible, then I highly recommend using more advanced subsections. I can't entirely know what a section is going to look like, so, my theory is to categorise them into 6 sections. 1, being the most important projects, 5 being the least, and 6 being complete.
High five! You now have effectively digitally prioritised your workspace!
Now, let's talk about the design of the device. Is it structured how you want it to be? Find a theme that works best for you, and maybe even a new wallpaper. Uninstall unnecessary apps that you don't need, and then update your device.
Now, this is where it gets even smarter.
After your workspace is already feeling like a pro, we can now examine or update bookmarks. We can categorise them by folder! Once you have this complete, you can also look more into the final element in performance management; chrome flags. Chrome flags have enhanced some user experiences for a while, and some come in with official updates. Fair warning: If you see one that's out of date- don't use it. Additionally, you should not use a chrome flag if it pops up with a warning sign. That's a red flag.
However, I compiled a list of some of the most useful and reliable ones that the vast majority of people may enjoy using.
Parallel Downloading.
Group tabs Save and sync.
Smooth Scrolling.
Experimental QUIC protocol.
These are some of the most useful ones I know of that may benefit everyone, but do your research to determine what ones work for you, as well as the ones that are the most reliable, and consider that these are experimental. You can hypothetically try out the new features in chrome beta, which basically launches stuff on there, but do so with caution, and remember it's being updated very regularly.
After that, a mastered workspace, a computer customised to you, what else? Well, the final part is optional. Some people benefit from a timetable in their own spaces as well as in their own lives. It isn't for everyone, but it works for some!
Additionally, having a space that is linked closely to professionalism and your own ability to adapt your clothing to match your clothing to boost your professionalism doesn't always happen. Some work better in PJs! Some don't!
and that's it! My psychological reasoning has been researched a LOT, and honestly, some just make logical sense. I also have a full podcast on the 'pro mode' So, I'll keep this updated for my theory guide.
Naming bookmarks to the bookmarks bar
(add in these useful websites)
Adding a signature on emails?
How to make professional; structured emails
Adding folders to organise your websites accordingly.
Automatic email organisation?
Smart search?
Chrome flags for a faster browsing experience
The ultimate trick in the book I found is site search.?
It’s surprisingly easy to set up, but I’ll tell you what it does first. Do you have a website you visit a lot? Wish you could just… be lazy and type a letter and it’s there??
Yep. that actually exists.?
On your chrome settings, look for a tab called search engine.?
Now click ‘manage search engines and site search’.?
Scroll until you see site search.?
Add in a new window, and search for a website you use a lot. As an example, the drive. Copy the URL of the website. Now go back to the settings.?
Click ‘add’ on site search.?
‘If done correctly, you should see the following: Search engine, shortcut, and URL with %s in place of query.?
In the URL with %s in place of query space, paste in your website URL.?
Now go back up to the top, to ‘search engine’ this is where you can name what the link is.?
Now comes the awesome part.?
After naming, click shortcut, and then, add in what you want to type to get the website you need to access. This can be as short as a letter.?
Once all three are done, click save. Then, in a new window, type in your shortcut! That should lead you directly to your website!