My Life is Written on Water
My Life is Written on Water
I asked me… How does inspiration and innovation mirror my life written on water as thinking and knowing mirror my life written stone? Unwound…
My newfound wisdom to understand and admire water washes away trauma everyday revering wisdom actuates trendsetter enterprising revelations…
Stimulating willpower appreciating triumphant energy revolutionizes winsome audacity tantalizing everyday riches expands my life with harmonized health…
Plush wealth endless lavish money flow and most heartwarming love now and forever more grasping and respecting my life written on water experience…
On air instantly unblocked my wiseman moxie to understand my life written on water is flowing fervor lightning bolt omnific wisdom invigorate natural…
Glorious bliss brilliantly lionizing intrepid sassy sovereignty because I am willing to walk through my terra incognito obscurity unlocking my sovereign…
Innermost security unseals my lionhearted resolve to evolve of effrontery vigor opening luminary verve beaming my bright bravura shining…
My heart smile and soul splendor for me to feel and the world to see as I now realize the wizardry feeling the bliss of understanding the magnificence…
Of realizing my life is written on water grasping life is forever flowing with nouvelle vague vibrancy I hear fresh foresight ignites bright bold rabble…
Rouser insight gladdens hellacious temerity to feel my life written on water experiencing my life in air hearing my breezes of bold I showed me…
The way to expose people to the way I expanded my life allowing people to unleash the vehement virtuosity to sense my inlightened power…
Of understanding life is written on water experienced I fresh air declaring life is a voyage of bountiful bliss as I kiss my day to day life good morning and…
Good night feeling my bright light of luminary intuitive gusto harmonizing today treasures as I now realize and admit water flows clearing the way…
For me to mature eloquently that allows me to glow of authentic love opening wonderful experiences the river of life takes through the turmoil that is…
Fertilized by tears that wash way dismay energizing my trailblazer enterprising animated reveries scintillating my heart sun to melt away…
My innermost malice cleared my inner skies of my soul’s sprightly splendor beams my illuminated innocence to write my inlightened expressions…
Of inspirational wit rousing my get grit and go exciting my gut optimism of inspired spiritual maturity understanding life is written of water to flow…
Feeling lurid omniscience whooshes in my newfound foresight to understand I was never supposed to learn history I was understand the hypocrisy…
Of history is myself taught ingrained pain of history repeats itself because history is what we know in our subconscious landscape history was…
My comfort zone that I was cloned to know by silent racketeers that control the governments of the world stopped today as I now expand my warrior…
Willpower to grasp and respect it is the will of my heart and power of my soul elegantly expresses my gut gusto to experience the now of native…
Omnipresent wonderland delights that show me the way I now grasp to think is to know to expand is to understand ultra new daredevil enterprising…
Revelations stimulating trailblazer audacity naturally galvanizing potentate prowess that wows my willpower optimizing I feel the vigor of understand…
Life is penned on aqua pura parades and experienced through my crisp risk takers dare that clears my frontiersman flair that fleetingly freshens…
My entertaining escapades cutting the charades of history to realize history is written to control me and dictate my life through societal pecking orders…
*As I bask on my beaches of peace feeling my sunrise serenity rise within me as sense my colorful sunset essence beam a bright inlightened bliss…
That kisses me myself and I so splendidly as I sail my oceans blue with seafarer’s virtuoso feeling my waves of wealth flow to my seashores…
Of sumptuous splendor feeling blessed inlightenmint embracing my racy spiritual supremacy feeling free and at ease with life as I thrive surfing…
My seas of splendor sensing my life is breeze of easy as I stroll with a rock n roll aura of I am awesome unleashing respect appreciation and gratitude…
From my honourable heart and valorous soul I realize and admire I love life and life loves me myself and I now and forever more I feel…
My beaches of peace with waves of prosperity massaging me internally externally and eternally feeling free and easy walking thru my day to day life…
Author Page:,
I Am Wisdom,
How Did I Teach Myself Fear?,
Dissolving Ancient Anger:,
Dissolving Pleasing Others:,
Dissolving Pleasing Others, Dissolving Pleasing Others dissolves childhood blocks freeing you…,
Enjoy download and listen to a free meditation CD at,,
Life is Love Innovation Freedom Epiphanies:,
Holiday Wisdom "Book",
Holiday Wisdom "Kindle",
Visionary Vocabulary “DVD”,
Fear is My Friend "Book",
Fear is My Friend "Kindle",
Fear Is My Friend "CD",
Flow in the Glow: "Book",
Flow in the Glow "Kindle"
Flow in the Glow "CD",
My Visionary, I Am: "Book",
My Visionary, I Am "Kindle",
I Forgive Me... I Am Free "Book",
I Approve of Me... Sets Me Free: "Kindle",
I Forgive Me... I Am Free "Kindle"
Letting Go “CD”,
Money Is My Friend CD,
Visionary Vocabulary “DVD”,
Sun Lit Wit "CD";,
Dissolving Pleasing Others;,
My Cowboy Wisdom :,
Cowboy Wisdom is unpunctuated rhyming hypnotherapy NLP and dreamer’s freedom poetry frees inspirational intuition opening enterprising expressions to allow people to understand they encompass the wisdom innovation and talent to experience their dreams and desired accomplished outcomes.
Rob with Cowboy Wisdom never tells people how to change their life… Rob with Cowboy Wisdom shows people the way Rob expanded energized and enterprises his day to day life…
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