My Life and Times In a Nutshell
I've never written a Linkedin post but now is as good a time as any. I am a talented sports statistician and journalist. I have taken sports stats for high school sportscasts we do on our radio stations at Mid-Utah Radio (primarily football and basketball). I write about anything that is relevant in our area and I do what I can to inform the community on things going on. I have relied a lot on Twitter to get my message out and, thankfully, Denver Broncos blog Predominantly Orange, allows me to do some articles for them as well. I will admit that I am apprehensive about what media in larger markets think about me. I realize that, as a mortal, I will make mistakes but they really frustrate me and I do my best to ensure they are minimal. I think I've been guilty of "stardom worship" of those media above me in the past and that's counter-productive. It does make me feel better that some members of said media follow me back on Twitter and connect with me here as well. Ultimately, I realize the vast importance of being myself and while it hurts when not all fellow media believe in me or think I'm legit, alligator armor is becoming a bigger part of me all the while. If I worry about what my haters think, I'll never achieve anything. I am a devout member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (the Mormons) as well and this helps keep me grounded about what I should expect of myself. The Kingdom I'm striving for is not of this world, but while I'm here, it's in my best interests to make as many friends and connections as possible. Sorry for the rant but I've had this in my head for a while.