MY LIFE My People. My Work. My World.
Kalaiarasu John
People Partner - Transforming Workplaces #Tech-in-HR #AI-in-HR #PeopleStrategy #StrategicHR #TalentManagement #Organizational Development
My life wasn't easy going to work, co-running a family, having day to day commitments, monthly bills and what not, because even I belong to a middle class just like you and others... What is happening right now? I have no clue on how or why it started but I really can see and sense where I am and to an extent guess what's going to happen to me.
I had usual dreams of travelling, spending time with wife, get away's and so on.....One fine day I felt as if, my leg was broken but was not hurt; I stopped going to work, but still had team meetings ; loved my home but now jailed in it. Then realized that there was a PANDEMIC causing this not only to me but from my wife, family, relatives, friends, my manager and ......... the whole world.
I was scared to an extent where I started dreaming about getting infected and dying. Everyday I saw the numbers going up up up up - people getting infected and deaths !?!?!?!?!?
My company shut, my locality shut, my state shut, my country shut and finally to realize that the whole world shut itself. You know why? because "Men started fearing Men". Get together's - Infection, Work - Infection, Travel - Infection ......... Shake hand's - Infection (WOW).
I had read all the conspiracy theories, watched all possible videos on social media about the growing Pandemic and also did my own analysis.
LOSS: Lives lost due to infection and lack of space & treatment. Most companies lost their businesses, employees lost their salaries and few their jobs, daily wage employees lost their livelihood, no food, no money, nothing.
SACRIFICE: Doctors, nurses, ward boys, attenders, sanitation workers inside hospital and outside else where, ambulance drivers, Police, Food-Grocery-Vegetable vendors and delivery personnel's, Volunteers, NGO's, Corporate CSR's and Our Government, has done tremendous job which many of us did not even attempt to.
We lost lives, space, time and peace because we were not alerted on time and our people also failed to act responsibly. This Pandemic will take its course to cut itself down and that will happen only if we follow a strict lock-down.
What I learnt out of all this is: First and foremost Be Clean and maintain a good personal hygiene. Then, plan your life, plan your money and plan your day to day schedule; because right now many of us are winking our eyes at the ceiling. Do not panic, listen to what experts say and look for facts and ignore the rest.
Everything has come to an halt, all are suffering and uncomfortable in one way or the other. Everybody wants to break out of this situation, but we cannot and will not too.
Well, I am an optimist by attitude, I wanted to look at the brighter side of everything. We are all upset and devastated that most of the daily stuffs has come to an indefinite pause mode.
"But unknowingly and unwillingly we have given a break to this EARTH of ours."
We all by now know that the pollution has come down drastically across globe, exploiting natural resources has come down to a large extent, sparrows are seen inside the city, Himalayan ranges are seen from Punjab, etc..., are the wonders of this Pandemic. Am I trying to nullify the worst nightmares that we have seen and heard? NO, I am not. Rather trying to appreciate the other aspects of life and earth which needed this break to extend its lifetime.