My Life Belongs to Me
Samantha Wall ????
Digital Marketing Strategist- MCIM / Business & Student Mentor / Social Entrepreneur
I don’t profess to understand how the brain of a psychopath works, although I’ve read a lot more about these things in recent years.
I’m aware, generally speaking, they don’t tend to have boundaries.
It’s become increasingly clear that exercising the right to speak freely on my own feed without actually naming those who are jumping up and down about it means they must recognise themselves.?
I’ve never been a fan of hugely inflated egos, I find it cringe-worthy, that’s just my personal preference, when it’s taken a step further and turns into entitlement and demanding behaviour - well you’ve lost me there - I’m off.
I’m perfectly aware that for certain individuals it’s imperative that I’m discredited, it is in fact in their better interests.
The level that this has risen to is beyond ridiculous!
Apart from heavy trolling (most of which I don’t mention because it’s too regular), I find myself hauled in front of the police for vastly embellished incidences coupled with allegations on things I haven’t done.
This interrogation and the accusations about what a terrible person I am also happens regularly online, especially in certain groups (I’m told a lot & often sent screenshots).
I am exhausted.
Nobody chooses to be a victim (it’s certainly?not an enjoyable experience for me).
I don’t think it’s right to use any methods possible to silence those who have had highly traumatic experiences at the hands of those trying to silence them.
It’s invariably the case that when things reach a level they are at here, if i remained silent not only is my character permanently decimated (regardless of the outcome) I remain a victim forever and more people will be impacted by the consistent behaviour of bullies who even when charged refuse to cease.
I know certain individuals want me to remove my post from LinkedIn, (it couldn’t be clearer) but these are my very real experiences and they destroyed my life and this is my feed and it is my prerogative.
In this case, silence really does empower those to fill in the gaps & write the story of my life and character in the way they choose.
I’ve years of lived experience of this being the case before I reached that conclusion.
Staying quiet in this situation is an easier thing to do, as such, I’d rather do so but the results are devastating and I’ve lost everything through doing this up to this point.
Losing business contracts really has only been a small part of it, if you’ve read my larger post you’ll see it resulted in me nearly losing my life.
My mind, my life, my experiences - they belong to me, nobody has the right to bully me into submission and own my identity in doing so!
What do you have left if you hand over your very existence to others to own for you?
Which is very much how this has been (until I spoke out) and is certainly still being demanded now.
To go to the extremes of forging official paperwork, using testimony from law enforcement to do so and then post it in public just leaves me speechless.
The data protection act has been overlooked by those who decided to do this. There is a “personal” expression from this officer they named (I’ve never heard of them) who appears to be commenting about a case that they say in their letter is still inconclusive.
They aren’t obliged to carry out a search on behalf of the person who claimed they had. Do you know how stretched these people are with their time? How understaffed they are? Even if this wasn’t the case they still are not going to do this and then spend time writing a letter to confirm they’ve done so!
Even a solicitor acting on persons behalf wouldn’t be allowed to have the detail recalled in the forged documentation.
None of this is legal!!
And in trying to prove themselves as innocent in this manner, they break the law AGAIN!
I can’t bow down to these demands and remove a post that recalls my real life experiences and the harrowing details that leave me with anxiety, depression, PTSD and in a place where I’m consistently kicked to the floor whilst trying to rebuild my life again, now at the age of 53.
Yesterday I was told (on my own feed), by two strangers that my posts are an attempt to “control” others.
This is crazy!
The only control I’m entitled to or want is that of my own life, my own character, my own personality, the real events in my own life (no matter how harrowing) - they all belong to me!
I’ve had to live through these, you can’t just erase them from me and tell me I’m trying to control others by talking about them!
You can’t change lawful documentation to suit your own agenda either !?
And in a document drawn up that places the person sharing it as innocent throughout (written by a policeman whose name I don’t recognise who isn’t even investigating that person anyway)!
It is the reverse, it would be those investigating matters on MY behalf that would be interested in that person.
Nor am I allowed this detailed paperwork either!
By the very fact a person has others coming onto my feed (again) to discredit me on their behalf is a display of control in itself!
a) They insist on disproving an article with no names in it.
b) They send others to me to do it.
c) They forge official documentation (including land registry) to insist their truth.
With my life in pieces already and my mental health shattered, the targeting just keeps on occurring.
Is it not clear this has already battered me into the floor or are you wanting to see real blood gushing from me onto your screen?
What are you doing!?!
Has nobody questioned the legitimacy of such a document with its claims and personal opinions of an “alleged” police officer, providing his personal feedback on what is claimed as an inconclusive case?
Have data privacy laws suddenly become an overlooked factor for the “entitled” and “ego driven” in this situation?
Where is the line drawn when people are willing to publicise documentation with law enforcement logos & fictitious information on them to prove their innocence?
The level of desperation chills me to the bone.
If you prefer to believe these “innocence” claims, then honestly you really should do so.
I’m just pointing out that it really doesn’t take much critical or logical thinking to decipher the legitimacy of them.
You are entitled to think for yourself (obviously)?but do not come onto my feed in an attempt to?silence me & suggest a decade of my life is a lie (because someone else told you so).
Whilst you may not recognise this as so, this is harassment.
Since the nature of this entire case surrounds targeting & harassment, you are absolutely implicating yourself and willingly participating in this case and furthering this behaviour.
As you’ll probably notice, I’m fighting my own battles here, I don’t have a network of people harassing another person on their feeds & suggesting they are in the wrong leaving article links against their posts.
I am standing here alone, on my own feed and merely telling you, this is the truth.
I’m standing here telling you that to speak about the hell of my own experiences is absolutely my right!
I don’t need to illegally forge law enforcement documentation to do it either!
The repercussions that come from decisions like these are entirely the fault of the individuals involved.
Albeit there’ll probably look to blame me for this also.
I can’t be responsible for the decisions other people make all the time (including the decisions & actions they decide to take against me).
Or it works out as; I’m not allowed to own the truth about my own life but I’m responsible for the errors of others decisions.. (!?!)
This is why I mention “entitlement”. It’s an elitist attitude - very toxic and not a behaviour saved purely for this case!
NB the last message and link to my article discrediting me have since been removed - not by me (I've already evidenced the screenshots).