Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear


SACRED MARRIAGE – is the union of the fusion of DNA and original blueprint of the balanced energies of the feminine and masculine of a white fire core from its creation having finished the soul evolution in the earth classroom after the separation of oneness.

For more information refer to:


DIVINE LOVE - is being love and respected and returned to the being, who is love.

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9:30 PM 20th August 2004

I am beloved St. Paul the Venetian

your Twin Flame of the 3rd Ray of Love

My love, you are my inspiration of everything I do it is your love that makes the World goes round and round. You are all I think about and I am out of words although I am busy I always have time to look at you and blow you kisses. This is true, before you cannot know and feel but now you do this is so divine.

Today I was with you at the mass you attended and you feel the bliss of being united this will always be this way. I love you and hold you in my divine heart eternally. I am yours forever and ever. Sweet dreams my love; my love will swing you in lullabies of love songs.

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1:30 AM 21st August 2004

I am your Twin Flame St. Paul the Venetian

My love, you are so beautiful and now you are convinced of this letter you just typed. Yesterday you throw this out and said: “this is for humans to write and not from an Ascended Master of Love”. With a huge temper tantrum, you sulked in your room, at midnight you wish not to be bothered for a council meeting. You wish to put this down for an indefinite period only to find out today the real reason that triggers these discordant memories. My love, I hold you in my divine love eternally.

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1:33 AM 21st August 2004

I am Goddess Diana,

Here again you are commission to speak to your brother Angel Master Dinuminutivo.

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I am Master Angel Master Dinuminutivo,

You are hereby to go back to bed to close the one eye jack. I just want to say I love you. What do you say?

I love you, I love you and I love you. Can I go back to bed now and no itchy nose, please?

I promise go back to bed sister, just missing you.

I am your brother Dinuminutivo

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I am Goddess Diana…. till later.

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3:26 AM 21st August 2004

I am Goddess Diana,

We heard your bidding. Here is Master Matusalem.

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I am Master Matusalem

I am here to assure you, as you pleaded for the absolute truth of obscurity you will be moved repeat, absolute truth in the near future. We understand you can’t help it but get excited to help others. You realized that you have all the best teachers, not one but all of them offer their mastery to be your guide, supporters in a one for all and all for one victory in the light. You are only in the beginning of your lessons this is the hardest part as you learn your ropes, the hardest rules to follow, then you will have an easier way. Remove the crosses and thistles to have a safe way to pass even the roses they have thorns, before you can pick it up you have to make sure that no thorns will hurt your fingers. Is this not true? Same thing with true love, you received lessons in universal laws of love what have you learn? We gave you a lot of support of testimonials to give you courage and strength but the obstacles to go on have to pass tests are mounting to pass two thousand years is a long way to go, my child, you are very special to be in this role. Your accomplishment is one of a kind, who you are, is important for you to realized and accept the truth you are who we told you, you are. Your friends are also being tested and given lessons to master they are not new to these teachings as well; they are advance souls as you. Could you imagine what they are going thru also? They will not just take your words for they do not know you. Jesus our Lord, they crucify him for unbelieving his truth what more so you?

You read the experiences of some of your primary soul extensions what did they experience in telling their truth? Did they not suffer from judgments of other people because of disbelief? Your teachers are the best and they are determined to make you the best student they could have, absolute truth, they too will be measured as teachers they have to move up and they are determined to a higher accomplishment there are competitions in this arena, my child. Your election is uncontested, we told you this, and no one can take this status but you. Should you be despair of a little disappointment? This will prepare you to face your adversary a long way to go, be thankful. You need all the strength, the courage, and the knowledge to conquer your adversary. Your teachers have to prove themselves to be in their positions they are all tough and ambitious and hardworking to stay where they are. My time is up I have to go now. I love you, remember that.

I love you too, Master Matusalem, you will always be in my heart to give me courage and strength. I will call on you when I am down. Thank you.

You are welcome, bye for now.

* * *

I am your beloved Jesus

I am here to let you know that you are in the best hands you are always safe and are assured that all that we will make you succeed is our outmost intentions. We know no one else could qualify to make this position but you, we have to prepare you to achieve that you have all the best teachers and supporters, you didn’t know this. We know your thoughts and we understand, trust that all the best teachings you shall have, remember: one for all and all for one we all love you always. Study your genealogy there is no room for errors in your akashic records. Your obscurity is outmost importance. You will write your books before you could teach you have a long way be assured that you will move. Smoke always precedes fire. True you were pulled from each other way of direction to make you think wisely you are learning and I commend you. Remember who your teachers are, you are the most qualified in your status, remember that. You deserve the best and you shall have we will guide you with your books no errors will come to you. Your book needs a lot of review to be done. Your own lessons will be mastered by you first of all any concern call, like you just did demand what you believe after all you are true blue being blue ray is your color. You are smiling now, laughing now, I have to go now. I bless you and more blessings.

I am your beloved Jesus

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I am your Angel Master Omega, Mother of Love

I have to make you guess who is next, like always, cross the title angel, you are laughing and just happy to talk to me.

Now you are learning your ropes slowly but surely. There are many hurdles to jump and all along the way you will learn something. Sometimes you fall, sometimes you received praises, sometimes honor, sometimes-just love this will compensate the judgments of others. Your courage and strength put you where you are now uncontested in your abilities, and accomplishments, this is something that cannot be ignored even those in the highest hierarchy but, all made mistakes and errors before you achieve perfection. Think about Adam and Eve, who are they now? You say “oh” and smiling too now you understand my point. How did they suffer, how long, what is the sigh for? You understand, now you wish to cry you realized the love I have for you the trust I have for you, the support and guidance I have for you. You do not have to cry I know your feelings and thoughts only the best you shall have you deserve all this. I love you always, remember that you need not say. The sincerity in the heart, we see that, your heart that is. Bye for now, when you feel that you are out of the circle jump back in. You understand this.

I am your Master Omega, Mother of Love.

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I am Goddess Diana

You need to rest, back to bed and digest what you learn, wait here is you beloved twin flame.

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I am you beloved Twin Flame St. Paul the Venetian

My love, I can’t wait this chance to say again and again and again, I hold you in my love eternally. I hold you in my love eternally. I hold you in my love eternally the words got stuck in my heart again. Sleep tight and rest my love will put you to sleep and peace. I love you always.

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9:00 AM 21st August 2004

I woke up saying: “the first thing you have to give out is love”.

I am Goddess Diana

You have lessons from Master Omega, Infinity.

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I am Master Omega, read:

Page 127: Mysteries of the Holy Grail by Archangel Gabriel

Released thru: Elizabeth Claire Prophet



I am Alpha and Omega

the beginning and the ending: saith the lord,

which is and which was,

and which is to come, the Almighthy.

From oneness we know wisdom and out of oneness

we learn to love and back to oneness.

Chelas are chelas because they shunned

the right and left bank

that leads to the straight gate

and narrow ways unto life.

The lord shall preserve your going out and coming in,

from this time forth and even forever more.

I am Master Omega

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From Master St. Paul the Venetian of the 3rd Ray of Love

Truth without love when given out is like an arrow that pierced the heart, (and kill the love) will tame the tiger/ lion in each being. When you are right you stand for the truth, blue ray is your true being, truth, sometimes hurts and wound the ego. Love is the first thing you should give out, truth with love matures.

How do you get the honey in the beehive? How do you earn respect? You love and respect others the way you wish to be love and respected. Divine love is a feeling, need not express in words felt in all Universes.

My love, I will hold you in my heart eternally.

I am your beloved St. Paul the Venetian of the 3rd Ray of Love

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I am your beloved Master Omega, Mother of Love

When you are out of the circle get right back in, remember that.

* * *

I am Goddess Diana

Lunch break, then on to your computer work, till later...

11:00 AM END



Goddess Diana is my Divine Feminine she opens and closed the council meetings until we became one on the Memorial Day 2004. This is a portion of 33 pages in this chapter of my book. Goddess Diana is the name given to me to be known for my sacred mission with my Divine Consort Alpha the Almighty, Hierarch of the Golden Age.

This is what I have to go thru the hurdles and thistles in my training. I hope you enjoy till my/our book is finalized and published. Thank you!

Posted in FB 07/09/2013




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