My Learning Journey
Guy Huntington
Trailblazing Human and Entity Identity & Learning Visionary - Created a new legal identity architecture for humans/ AI systems/bots and leveraged this to create a new learning architecture
Note: Updated April 21, 2024
We're entering a major paradigm shift, where our old ways won't work well. It requires out of the box thinking for our out of the box times. It applies to learning and education. Over the last 8 years, I created an out of the box architecture for learners, starting when they're a toddler to when they're very old. What this article describes is my own personal learning journey i.e., what drove me to create the new architecture.
Note: This isn't a short quick read.
It Began Sixty Years Ago...
Six decades ago, when I was in Grade 1, my teacher called my mom and I into her room after school.? “Guy has a problem,” she told my mom. “He’s spelling his name backwards (i.e., Yug, a nickname I still get called today by some of my friends).? “He’s dyslexic.? I recommend you hire a private teacher to work with him.”
My parents cobbled together the resources, and hired a teacher, who worked with me.? Luckily, I wasn’t badly dyslexic and quickly learnt to scan from left to right.? I was a good student in K-12 and university.? However, this experience, in a way, seared my soul.? I closely watched how my fellow students learnt, or didn’t learn, in the education system.? I saw many of them falling off the conveyor belt of the current education system.
Fat forward to the mid 1970’s.? I became the Vice-President Academic of the University of Alberta’s Student Union.? I went looking for out of the box thinking re?learning.? I found at the U of Waterloo they were pioneering co-op programs.? I could easily see how this was very important.? I then met several times with senior university administrators to try to get them going on this.? I ran into what I’ve now called the 4 D’s of a bureaucracy i.e., delay, deflect, delegate and deny.? They didn’t do anything.
Fast forward to the early 90’s.? Our two kids were in elementary school.? I went to the Superintendent of our school district, Doug Player, and introduced myself.? ?I told him the district should be deploying tech to rethink?learning.? He liked it so much he asked me to chair the district’s new tech committee.? This led to our district being one of the first in Canada to have fiber optics laid to most of its schools.?
Nest, I was behind building a tech leveraged school.? I then became the president of Skills Canada BC, and then Skills Canada, to drive into curriculum industry best practices leveraging skills competitions.
About 8 years ago, I went out for a coffee with the now long since retired Doug Player.? I told him we’d failed.? Why?? We hadn’t moved the dial on the underlying conveyor belt of time the current education system uses.? I told him my story of watching fellow students fall off the?learning?conveyor belt.??
Doug asked me what I was thinking?? I told him it must start with an in-depth assessment of a learner when they’re a toddler.? Determine how they learn or don’t learn, how they work or don’t work with others, aptitudes, etc.? From this I could see, for every learner, a highly customized IEP (Individual Education Plan) being created.? I then went on to say I could sort of see how AI systems, bots and VR environments would be used but I didn’t yet know how it would work.?
I ended by saying it all required a rethought legal identity framework for humans, Ai systems and bots. Why?? Learners would be working both physically and virtually with other students, teachers, and bots.? We left the conversation there.
Fast Forward to a Lucid Dream I had 2-3 Years Ago
In front of me were two of my guides.? It was short, sweet and to the point.? I was very clearly told:
My first thought was literally, “Fuck!? Changing the education system is even harder than changing legal identity!”? It’s the only time in all my dreams, etc., where I’ve been told what to do.??I choose to listen to the dream.
I then intuitively felt I should focus more aggressively on learners who are “on the?learning?fringe” i.e., ADHD and ASD. So I talked to different people, did my research, and within several months, after I’d created the legal identity architecture, the?learning?architecture fell out of my head.
To See the?Learning?Vision
Skim these two docs:
To See the?Learning?Architecture
It requires the legal identity architecture which I’ll soon come to.? However…
Still Sticking With?Learning?– AI Can Now Literally Read our Minds
3 years ago, I was introduced to Divya Chander , a US anaesthetist, who’s fascinated by how our brain works.? She scared even me, a visionary, when she told me AI could now literally read our minds.? She went on to educate me about a draft bill of neural rights she was working on.? ?I took this and incorporated it into an article I was writing at the time.? Skim to the section titled, “John’s Neural Data” in?“Kids, Digital?Learning?Twins, Neural Biometrics, Their Data, Privacy & Liabilities”/
Fast forward to this past March.? Go to the 19 minute 30 second mark of “The AI Dilemma”.? It shows a woman being shown a pic of a giraffe,? The AI system, which doesn’t know what she’s been shown, displays a pic of a giraffe.??
NOW, THIS MUST BE PUT IN CONTEXT.? To do this today requires expensive equipment and skills.? However, when I saw this, this tech change curve, created by Patrick Scannell , immediately sprang into my mind. It shows a logarithmic rate of tech change we can now no longer cognitively keep up with.? I realized that sooner, rather than later, tech would appear making this cheap and easy to do.??
All I can see is this being used positively and negatively on the citizens of the planet.? I can also see it arriving with all sorts of other “tech” to majorly disrupt the current education system.? I’ll come back to AI reading our minds in section describing the architectures and costs.?
Note: Divya is working with the UN and some countries on her charter.
Now, it’s time to dive into legal identity…
Today, people around the planet instantly dive to talking about digital identities, privacy, etc.? What’s first missing from the conversations and discussions is a guiding set of principles.? I strongly suggest you read “Revised Laws of Identity”.? It lays out foundational principles.
Humans and Biometrics
Legal identity requires the ability to prove in a court of law it’s Jane Doe.? With human cloning now on the horizon, it also requires the ability to prove it’s Jane Doe 1 and not Jane Doe 2,3,4, 5 etc.? This requires the use of biometrics.? I suggest you folks skim, “I Hate How We Use Biometrics Today”.??
Humans – Legal Identity Relationships
Life is complicated.? There are many different types of legal identity relationships including but not limited to:
Today, proving this both locally and globally, physically, and digitally, around the planet is not easy to do.? Thus, I suggest you skim “Legal Identity Relationships”.?
AI Systems and Bots (Both Digital and Physical)
What very few people on the planet have yet realized is, depending on risk, these entities require legal identities. IT’S VERY COMPLICATED.? To see why skim:
YIKES! Hopefully, now your eyes are opening to the large challenges associated with this.???
Humans – AI Leveraged, Smart Digital Identities
While people talk about LLM’s, most aren’t thinking of customized AI leveraged, smart digital identities of us.? I strongly advise you to read “AI Leveraged Smart Digital Identities of Us”.
What most people don’t realize when they talk about AI and bots, is legal identity is frequently NOT managed at national levels.? Instead, it’s often managed by laws/regulations at the local state/provincial level.? THEY’RE VERY TERRITORIAL. Thus, years ago, I realized this was a political hill I could easily die upon if I didn’t create an architecture still leaving them in control. RE GOVERNANCE, THIS IS BIG!!!!
Down in the Local Jurisdictional Legal Identity Weeds It’s a Mess
Why?? Skim problems #1 and 2 in?“Legal Identity Problem Statements”.? Bad news - there are no global legal identity data standards, etc.? Good news – the problem is the opportunity to quickly drive into place new one.
Rapid Rate of Change
Look at this tech change curve. It shows a logarithmic rate of tech change we can now no longer cognitively keep up with.? Note the slowest rates of change are business and politics i.e., governments.?
The Evil Inc.’s of the planet will leverage the heck out of this curve creating, each day/week, new attack vectors against not only the tech used in legal identity, but also the governance, business processes and end users (be they human, AI systems or bots).??
I have a follow-on premise.? Most local jurisdictions around the planet DON’T have the resources, budgets, or expertise to continually defend against this.? Thus, the legal identity framework will be successfully attacked, continually.? Years ago, I realized any architecture I created MUST address this.? WITHOUT THIS, THERE WON’T BE TRUST.
Now Add Privacy & Consent to the Above
?Then There’s AI Legal Personhood
While people around the planet debate if, or ever, AI will gain legal personhood – here’s the fact.? It’s already here through legal back doors.? Skim?“Legal Identity Vs.?Legal Personhood”.??Which begs the question of how one can instantly determine if an LLC they’re interacting with is owned by an Ai system?? Skim this old article I wrote where I addressed this,?“Toda and LLC Incorporation”.
I realized criminals will take to this like ducks to water.? You might want to skim this article where I laid out an example of what’s coming our way,?“AI, Mobile Wallets, Crime & Financial Stability”.
Now, educators might be thinking how does this impact education? ?I can easily see, in the not-so-distant future, an LLC owned by an AI system, leverages AI, digital and physical bots. VR environments, etc. to privately teach students.? This is the kind of stuff which would have been science fiction while I was growing up.
People With Disabilities Are Often Screwed
The interfaces to legal identity and credentials are often not suited for people with different disabilities. Thus, they're screwed.
AI and New Attack Vectors
To see what’s coming our collective way skim?“Deep Fakes, Privacy, Protection & Misinformation”. Which begs the question of how citizen Jane Doe can defend herself against this?? Answer – today she lacks the technical and legal toolkits to do so.? I’ll return to this shortly in the architecture section.
Skim “Fighting cybercrime – what happens to the law when the law cannot be enforced?”.? It describes the current pathetic, paltry success rate of prosecuting cybercrime of 0.05%!!!!!!!? Why is this?? The Evil Inc.’s of the planet operates out of jurisdictions where they can’t be successful prosecuted.
Thus, while nations busily create their new Ai laws and regs, the Evil Inc.’s of the planet will merrily be waving their middle fingers at this.? They’ll maliciously leverage AI to rip us off to the tune of tens of billions of dollars ANNUALLY.??
To address this, politicians will have to create cross-country agreements allowing for cross-prosecution.? THIS IS A VERY STEEP HILL TO CLIMB.
AI Power Consumption
While people all around the planet are currently enamored with AI, very, very few people are thinking of power consumption.? Why should you care?? Look at Figure 1 in “AI Power Consumption Exploding” .? It shows, if current AI power consumption trends continue, by 2040-ish, AI will be consuming most of the planet’s power!!!!!!??
Very sadly, this isn’t on most people’s and AI policy maker’s radar screens.? It’s definitely on mine, especially with respect to?learning.? I’ll shortly come back to this in the architecture section.
This is the Messy Can of Worms I Opened 8 Years Ago – New Architecture
It’s very complicated.? Most people I talk to about this become overwhelmed trying to take it all in.? Good news – I have architectural frameworks addressing all the above:
Architecture & Costs:
Every Person on the Planet is Given These New Toolkits:
The architecture has been built with co-design front and centre. Thus each person on the planet. regardless of their abilities or disabilities, will be able to understand the following tool-kits they now have:
All of which will be consuming power.? Which is why, in the 503 page “Cost Centres – Rethinking Legal Identity &?Learning?Vision”, the "Non-Profit – Power Consumption Of CRVS Data Centres, SOLICT Databases, LSSI Device; PIAM Subcomponent Cost Centre" on page 322-323 budgets for and call out for rapid research to create low power consumption ways of delivering this.? You might want to skim “Decentralized AI – Risks, Legal Identity, Consent & Privacy” to see one possible way to rapidly explore.?
I wanted to leave no citizen behind. Thus, co-design has been built into almost all of the 294 sub-component cost centres. It ensures all people, regardless of their abilities or disabilities, are able to understand and use their new toolkits. Skim “National Security, Co-Design & People With Disabilities.” Then skim these two cost centre sections within "Cost Centres – Rethinking Legal Identity &?Learning?Vision”:
Two New, Global, Independent, Well-Funded, Non-Profits
The architecture creates two new global, independent, non-profits:
The legal identity one does 24x7x365 threat analysis against not only the tech used in legal identity, but also the governance, business processes and end users (be they human, AI systems or bots).? It will continuously produce rated threat assessments.? Thus, a very high threat must be responded to by people, companies, and governments around the planet within hours.? This brings current industry best practice to the world of legal identity.??
Both are very well funded. They’ll license out the new CRVS (Civil Registration Vital Statistics) system and?learning?systems to local governments around the planet.? They’ll charge a very low fee per person up to a yearly maximum.? This will result in annual incomes of over $1 billion each.? This is how to ensure they keep abreast of the rapid change, continually updating standards, etc.
One of the benefits for the first country to fund this is the headquarters of both non-profits can be located within their country.??
I Wanted to Leave No Learner Behind on the Planet
I’ve had the privilege over my lifetime of being able to travel overland across parts of the planet. ?I saw many, many poor people.? Which led me to carefully think through the architectures which would work for them as well as for others who have resources.? This is why I wrote the vision article, “Vision:?Learning?Journey?of Two Young Kids in a Remote Village”. It’s also why in the page cost centre doc, ?“Cost Centres – Rethinking Legal Identity &?Learning?Vision”?on pages 441-456, in the section titled, "Rethinking Learning - Making Learning Vision Work in Remote, Poor Areas Subcomponent", it lays out specific cost centres addressing this .
AI Able to Literally Read Our Minds
I created the “Learning?Assessments Governance/Ethics Sub-Component Cost Centre’ on page 414-415 of the? “Cost Centres – Rethinking Legal Identity &?Learning?Vision” ?in the section titled "Learning Assessments Governance/Ethics Subcomponent Cost Centre" it addresses this.??THIS MUST BE ON EDUCATORS AND PRIVACY EXPERTS RADAR SCREENS.
My Message To Education Institutions
A major change is upon your doorstep. It's much more than "AI". Rather than knee-jerk to change, it's much better to prepare for it now. Thus, I strongly advise you and your architects to read these two articles:
You've now waded your way through a very long story. Yes, it's darned complicated. The architectures will be funded. Why? National security. Skim “National Security – Reduce Risk By Instantly Determining Entity Friend From Foe”.
About Guy Huntington
I'm an identity trailblazing problem solver. My past clients include Boeing, Capital One and the Government of Alberta's Digital Citizen Identity & Authentication project. Many of my past projects were leading edge at the time in the identity/security space. I've spent the last eight years working my way through creating a new legal identity architecture and leveraging this to then rethink learning.
I've also done a lot in education as a volunteer over my lifetime.?This included chairing my school district's technology committee in the 90's - which resulted in wiring most of the schools with optic fiber, behind building a technology leveraged school, and past president of Skills Canada BC and Skills Canada.
I do short term consulting for Boards, C-suites and Governments, assisting them in readying themselves for the arrival of AI systems, bots and AI leveraged, smart digital identities of humans.
I've written LOTS about the change coming. Skim the?over 100 LinkedIn articles?I've written,?or my webpage?with lots of papers.
Quotes I REALLY LIKE!!!!!!:
Reference Links:
An Identity Day in The Life:
My Message To Government & Industry Leaders:
National Security:
Rethinking Legal Identity, Credentials & Learning:
Learning Vision:
AI Agents:
AI/Human Legal Identity/Learning Cost References
AI Leveraged, Smart Digital Identities of Humans:
Companies, C-Suites and Boards:
Legal Identity & TODA:
Enterprise Articles:
Rethinking Enterprise Architecture In The Age of AI:
LLC's & AI:
Challenges With AI:
New Security Model:
Legal Identity:
Identity, Death, Laws & Processes:
Open Source:
Climate Change, Migration & Legal Identity:
Behavioral Marketing:
AI Systems and Bots:
Contract Law:
AI/AR/VR Metaverse Type Environments:
EMP/HEMP Data Centre Protection:
A 100,000-Foot Level Summary Of Legal Human Identity
A 100,000-Foot Level Summary Of The Learning Vision: