My Leadership Vision
When I was in high school, I thought of leadership as serving in officer positions in extracurriculars, racking up bullet points on the resume that you’d eventually send to colleges.
My mindset has since changed. I’ve grown to learn and appreciate the power that leadership holds when it isn’t defined by the extracurricular titles you’ve racked up. Leadership is not nearly as quantitative as it is qualitative. Simply put, it’s how you choose to show up in the world.
In case you didn’t know, I’ve been part of a leadership program called NC Fellows during the past four years at UNC. You apply your first year at Carolina, then once admitted you participate in leadership courses, monthly discussions, and retreats with each of the cohorts. This experience has given me lots of time to reflect on my own vision of leadership and how it has adjusted over time. For our final senior capstone project, we were assigned with creating a leadership portfolio in which we reflect even further. I decided to include it here on my blog, to share with any followers who may be interested in learning about my personal leadership journey.
Click HERE to check out the portfolio!