Majid's leadership style (advised by John Max Well team) according to Personality insights institute -Majid GOLMOHAMMADY /Jan 29th 2018
Strength : (Calculating - Competent - Conscientious) Weaknesses: (Picky - Pessimistic)
As a cautious leader, you are often described as calculating, competent, and careful. While your natural ability to pay attention to the details of a task makes you the go-to person for precise or difficult projects, your somewhat impersonal nature can prevent others from forming meaningful connections with you which ultimately prevents you from expanding your influence. In this report, you will uncover the impact your leadership style has on the people around you. In some areas you naturally excel, while in others you will have to be willing to learn how you come across to others in order to effectively lead diverse teams. Many of the traits cautious leaders possess have both useful and challenging sides to them. In order to maximize your potential, you’ll want to learn how to benefit from the most positive aspects of your leadership style while recognizing the fact a large portion of the general population misread your personality actions and behaviors.
What kind of LEADER are you?
Logical and focused on the facts, as a cautious leader you are always happy to gain and provide the information you need in order to achieve your goals. Rarely do you communicate a vision to a team, organization, or group without having all of the data you need. Considered formal and proper, you prefer discussing work to engaging in small talk or personal conversations. Your ability to maintain focus on the task at hand keeps your team on the same path, but you must be careful not to alienate those who require personal interaction and engagement from their leaders. Your need to filter out the facts often requires the people around you to present you with well-crafted initiatives instead of half baked ideas. On occasion, you may be accused of being unable to see the forest for the trees, as you can become entirely wrapped up in the details instead of being able to focus on the big picture or the overall vision. When you’re able to take a step back and see the merit in an idea, you can move it forward by gathering and distributing information, thus ensuring that your need to understand all of the details does not derail anyone from sharing their thoughts with you. With your steady leadership style, you prefer to take things one step at a time instead of jumping right in. While others may become enthusiastic about new opportunities, you’re more reserved and will not buy-in until you are comfortable that the information you’ve gathered actually points towards success. Often, your methodical contemplation prevent you from taking unnecessary and dangerous risks. By avoiding disaster, you’re able to effectively maintain the winning momentum that your team needs. However, when you spend more time worrying about outcomes than seizing opportunities, you may miss out on the moments that can define your legacy.
How does your LEADERSHIP style impact others?
As a cautious leader, you’re logical by nature. From the way you lead to the way you conduct your personal relationships, you prefer to back up just about every thought you have with a fact. Without information, you become fearful and selective and, in turn, the people around you become frustrated by your inability to pick a path. While facts are always good to have, they’re not always available, and the more you develop your leadership instincts, the more you will be able to trust them. After all, a great leader knows in their heart and in their mind which way they want to go long before they find all of the evidence to prove themselves right.You prefer tasks to be accomplished correctly the first time. You’re also more forgiving about the length of time it may take someone to complete a goal. People rarely feel under a time crunch with you at the lead and most will be more inclined to produce quality work. Since you rarely deal in big mistakes, you save yourself, your company, and your team both the time and money it takes to correct these errors. Many people with different personality styles and many personality types will thrive in this.
Task focused, you have a difficult time investing in relationships with your team members. You prefer to work independently and you often fail to engage others in conversations that can increase the bond of a team. In fact, when others attempt to engage you in such small talk, you have a tendency to steer the dialogue back to the task at hand. This can cause others to see you as impersonal, cold, and difficult to get close to. Many people feel valued and appreciated when their leaders take an interest in them personally, so it will benefit you to grow in your relationship building and communication skills.
What kind of COMMUNICATOR are you?
With a desire to be accurate and clear, you often prefer to communicate with others through written mediums like email and text message. This way, you needn’t be concerned with misunderstandings or misrepresentations of your words. However, by remaining focused on the task at hand, you may come across as detached and harsh, though this is rarely your intent. When you learn to communicate in a friendly, personal manner, you’ll find you are able to strengthen relationships and get your point across. If you do not do this, people will constantly be thinking you do not like them and they possibly have done something wrong to offend you. Careful with your words, you rarely make bold, dramatic, or outlandish statements. Instead, you prefer to speak with deliberate precision, carefully considering each word before you commit to speaking it. You never fly off the handle, and prefer to tackle problems by maintaining a cool head. Still, you are reserved when it comes to speaking your mind or sharing your opinions and feelings with others and this inability to assert yourself can prevent you from taking charge when you need to. You need to develop the attitude that, “I always want to get things right rather than I always want to be right!”
An active listener, you ask many pertinent questions to ensure that you have all of the information you need in order to contribute your thoughts and opinions. For this reason, you are extremely helpful when it comes to problem solving. While someone may be struggling to determine which route to take, your ability to ask great questions can usually lead them where they need to go. Your attention to detail and ability to seek answers in all situations makes you an excellent coach and partner. On the other hand, fast paced personalities may feel constantly interrogated, so you should always pay attention to how others are perceiving your questions.
CAUTIOUS COMMUNICATORS: Fact and task-oriented ? Formal and proper? Asks pertinent questions
How does your COMMUNICATION style impact others?
Your preference for written communication has it’s good and bad qualities. On the one hand, it prevents misunderstandings and provides an accurate representation of information and instructions. On the other, many personality types need personal interaction in order to feel valued and appreciated by their leaders. Simple tactics like remembering a spouse’s name or a child’s birthday will go a long way in ensuring the people around you feel cared for.
Most cautious leaders avoid discussing and sharing emotions with others. They often consider those who do so to be self-indulgent and dramatic, and have a difficult time forming close relationships with them. Your ability to stick to the pertinent points of any conversation maintains a productive atmosphere. However, it also alienates those who thrive in a relaxed, conversational environment. While you don’t need to develop overly familiar relationships with anyone you don’t wish to, it will benefit you to develop deeper connections with others by opening up and sharing your experiences. The more others can relate to you, the more they will allow you to influence them.
Your cautious nature makes you avoid unnecessary risks. You don’t like to take chances when you don’t have to and you’re more willing than most to allow opportunities to bypass you. Further, you have difficulty with abrupt change, and you often see those who make such decisions as ignorant or impulsive. While some people may appreciate your ability to point out the flaws in a plan, others will evaluate you as pessimistic and picky and will ultimately be less inclined to follow your lead over a more optimistic leader. By focusing on your attitude towards every situation you can begin to grow your ability to embrace difficult, risky, and challenging circumstances.
With a primary focus on accomplishing tasks correctly, cautious personalities are usually the most productive leaders any organization or company may have in the area of long-term planning. However, while some personalities thrive within a focused, cautious environment, others may consider your leadership style cold and impersonal. It’s important for you to ensure that while you are achieving tangible results, you are also building meaningful relationships at the same time. People who don’t feel appreciated will not stick around. Remember the old saying is still true, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care!” Since morale often determines the productivity of a team, cautious leaders like yourself need to focus on providing direction and inspiring others to follow. Whether you need to invest in your ability to deliver an empowering speech, to develop stronger interpersonal skills, or if you need to take on a partner to provide you feedback whenever you interact, the more you give the facts with passion, enthusiasm and feeling the more you and your team will succeed!