My Kid Crashed His Bike!

My Kid Crashed His Bike!

My kids, they love riding their peddle bikes.?

It's by far one of their favorite things.?

But tonight, I'm sorry, but I got angry.?

Blame the long day, the full body soreness from the previous days training (prepping for Tough Mudder!), or the super hot and sticky day...

But when I got back from baseball, and the babysitter started filling me in on what happened, I, well, I lost my cool.?

Listen, anytime you get good at something, you naturally start to push yourself more, and start exploring the limits.?

That's a good thing. And I always encourage my kids to push the envelope.?

So, they decided tonight, while I was gone, to start standing up, going onto just one peddle, stepping off and pushing the bike forward.?

It would stay balanced, and roll a certain amount of distance on it's own, until it fell.?

Right into a neighbors truck.?

That alone got me heated. I made sure they've gone and spoken with the owner and apologized, which they did.?

But, what pushes me over the edge, is I turn around to see them STILL doing it. And, now there's parts of the bike breaking off from it having crashed so many times.?

I know, I get it, they're just kids right...?

But here's the thing.?

ALL success or failure is BEHAVIORAL choice.?

I wasn't upset that they pushed the envelope.

I wasn't upset they hit the truck.

I was upset that they failed to recognize when there's a problem, and to fix it, to adjust, or... to just listen ;)?

Heck, there's a huge field down the road, go there and do it!?

In life, it's easy to turn a blind eye.?

Especially to our own shortcomings.?

Heck, in tonight's baseball game, the pitcher was a solid 300 pounds, and always needed a runner on first to run the bases for him.?

Now, I'm not here to give a lecture on health - you do you and make your own choices - but let me say this, your body is a reflection of your behavioral choices.?

Those that are succeeding, those that have healthy bodies, those who have healthy minds, those who have successful businesses, those who have great relationships... the key is in the behavior.

And what impacts that behavior is a DECISION, a choice.?

Tony Robbins always says "your life is your rituals", meaning, your routines, your habits, all words for the same thing, is your life.?

If your habit is to bitch and moan and complain, that's your life.?

If your routine is to eat junk food all day and drink soda, that's your life.?

If your routine is to curse at your spouse and judge them all day long, that's your life.?


If your rituals, routines habits, are to exercise every day no matter what, that's your life.?

If your habits are to work your ass off and focus on being productive that's your life.?

If your routine is to save your money and invest it back into your personal growth, that's your life.?

YOUR success or failure is BEHAVIORAL CHOICE.?

That may be a hard pill to swallow, but let me say this...

It's the only magic pill there is to a better life.?

Choosing to change your daily habits, rituals, routines and as a result your behavior, will change your life.?

I believe in you,?


PS? - Okay, lots of new programs out right now, so let's summarize the two programs with spots left:

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Elite Mastermind: 12 months of high level business masterminds.

If you missed the email about it, click HERE .

to save your spot, click HERE .

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Wake Up Winning: 12 weeks of hard core, no fluff, no BS coaching (and more!), register before it's gone, click


