My journey out of the Matrix

My journey out of the Matrix

When I started my awakening journey I had no idea the twists and turns, the obstacles, the sheer strength, resilience, determination and motivation it would take to free myself from a level of entrapment I never thought possible.

As spiritual leaders of the new world, the darkness will do anything to keep us trapped in a low vibration by filling our lives with many obstacles, pressure, stress, difficult people and fear. When I awakened I saw multiple visions for days and days of all the people in my life who had ever kicked me while I was down, humiliated, mocked, abused, degraded me. I saw the sheer lack of respect the people in my circle had for me as well as the lack of empathy and compassion for someone they should have cherished, supported, loved. Isn’t that what family is for?

Not to mention the abuse trauma I had been struggling to sift through that would pull me into a black hole into the depts of terror and darkness without a moments notice and trigger the aggressive auto immune disease I was battling daily! I knew I had had ENOUGH! Enough trauma, enough pain, enough feeling misunderstood, enough of living my life on a battle ground, enough of narcissistic, toxic, negative people who were so hell bent to make me feel small because for some reason I triggered their over inflated wounded egos, enough of the hospital appointments, doctors, medical tests, long waiting lists and absolute pointless energy wasting within a medical system that had no freaking idea how to help me!

I knew it was time to walk a new path and I remember screaming out to God and to my spirit team begging them to help me find my way. It felt like such a significant moment on my journey, I felt the energy shift within me and it pushed me forward into a new timeline as God shifted my reality. I have heard of people talking about how their lives suddenly swing from left to right and it is the most de-stabilizing experience of their lives as everything no longer serving them is plucked from their lives whether they are ready for it or not. This was that major shift for me and boy was it overwhelming. That was the week I wrote my upcoming song RAW by Shell Bell. It is an emotional one so be sure to keep an ear out for it! Release date unknown as of now. It made my complex PTSD even worse as I was thrown back in time to work closely with my inner child and this child needed a lot of support! When I made that decision under the guidance and advice of my spirit team to walk away from my toxic, dysfunctional, abusive family it triggered extreme levels of anxiety in me and the cognitive dissonance and Stockholm syndrome became so overwhelming that I questioned myself and my decisions every minute of every hour of every day. I did have some support, God ensured I had a supportive mental health team for this part of my journey and I was also taking PTSD medication to ensure I slept and my brain stayed somewhat regulated despite the night terrors, extreme fear and auto immune symptoms that were being caused by a nervous system in such severe distress. Apart from this team of experts that I saw weekly I was utterly alone. My dog my only friend as I didn’t even feel safe around my partner. His masculine presence triggered my inner child so he kept his distance while I desperately tried to cling to my sanity and reality. I kept re-living the trauma so intensely that it was causing psychotic features, hallucinations and re-traumatising me regularly until I learned to ground myself and not get swept into the fear.

I did have one spiritual person reach out to me and offer to help me process my trauma but she was a fake who worked with dark magic and could not be trusted. She tried to trick me into giving her my soul fragments which in hindsight I recognise she was trying to steal my spiritual gifts. I quickly cut her off after noticing the red flags but this only pushed me into further isolation. Nowhere was safe. “Move in silence” God would say to me “I am protecting you”.

Over the next few years I fiercely worked through my trauma layer by layer but I was tired, burnt out and struggling. I knew there were things keeping me trapped and I had constant psychic attacks and enemies who did black magic on me. They kept blocking my third eye. Every time I reached a new milestone or my gifts activated further, I would experience another major attack. It was getting difficult, it wasn’t fun anymore-not that it ever was but initially working with a team of guides and angels I was like “woah I can do this” and I always try to make light of any darkness and try to enjoy the process even when it is difficult but I was tired mentally, emotionally, physically. I needed a human guide, a friend, some support. My soul was exhausted so I called out to God again and said “please send help” and of course as always he responded to my request and that is when I met another healer Deniz Mustard who I knew intuitively I could trust. We are soul sisters, we recognised each other immediately, we knew their was a purpose in us finding each other and we committed to helping each other close out the last of this crazy, difficult, messy, rollercoaster ride that we had both been on in different ways. That is how our “out of the matrix” program was born and heck what an exciting program this is! Together we discovered every layer of darkness the enemy will use to keep us light workers, light warriors, truth seekers, cycle breakers and star seeds trapped. I call it “the devils playground” and they do make it hard to get out but not impossible. Not when you are working with TWO divine GODESSES who cracked the codes and set themselves free by patiently, consistently and vigorously working non stop using our intuition, guidance and spiritual gifts to ultimately defeat the darkness and find our way back to the light but being brought back totally renewed, re-born and most importantly READY for our divine mission and purpose which is to help free as many souls as possible and bring them home to God.

This program includes daily guidance and weekly energy healing which will help you close out these difficult cycles and remove any obstacles or blockages that are keeping you trapped or stopping you from reaching your purpose. We do have other services that are suited to people who need energy healing for different ailments but this program is specifically for healers and cycle breakers who know they have spiritual gifts, abilities and a vision or purpose for their future that they are ultimately trying to get to. If you would like to check out this exciting program then go to to book a consultation.

Your freedom matters. Please comment below and share your thoughts.

Amir Zare

An engineer with a curious mind uncovering the link between Mindset and Business Growth.

1 年

Tough journey but you did amazing work going through it.

Deniz Mustard

Founder of School of Change

1 年

Great article ??.


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