My journey in the Munich International Airport - Perfect Example of Bad Design
(Image credit: Pixabay)
I’d never had seen myself writing this article. Never imagine that German, known as being pragmatic and practical with their designs, would have tolerate such bad design in their international airport?
(* note: i just came across an article about the most confusing airport in the world and Frankfurt was among that, maybe they have just given up on their airport while they are competing with Paris and London to be the travel hub?)
I think when you are traveling, you are more dependent on signs and directions than normal. During my short 1 hour trip in Munich International Airport T2, I learnt the follows::
- Use objective labelling/ numbering whenever possible, don’t try to guide people with relative terms such as “front” and “back” “left” and “right” while there are multiple interpretation;
- Make sure that your signs are consistent. Please put yourself in the shoes of your visitors and follow your signs in attempt to reach your destination at least for once. I am sure you will find a missing sign here or there.
To see how I come to this conclusion, read the full post on Medium:
Part 2 (My adventure in the T1) will be coming soon!