As I continue to push forward with my music career, I have made some progress and have made some changes. First, I've had the opportunity to perform at the very first ATL Apollo show. This was a great experience for me and opportunity that can never be taken away from me as the popularity of the show progesses. I have recently relocated to the Atlanta area so that I can surround myself around others in the industry, for this journey isn't about just growing as an independent artist, it's about finding the right connection who will take me under their wing and help me to learn the ins and outs of the business. I'm thinking of my possible future endeavors in the music business, whether it may be writing, producing, managing, or even owning my own independent record label. Just like an athlete, you have to have a plan B, C, D, and so forth, and always think ahead.
Through my journey, I have been getting mixed feedback. Some love what I do, some tell me I need to stick with the trends, but what's wrong with being different and setting your own trends. I can't be creative if I'm mocking what everyone else is doing, that's not being original to me. I do music because it's my passion and I enjoy displaying my powerful vocal skills. Hopefully someday, someone can look pass the skills of the engineer and can focus on my vocal capabilities only, but not many are able to do so.
As I continue to push forward working on my vocals, my recordings, my stage presence, and my fanbase, I pray that the open-minded will give me the opportunity to present my capabilities on stage as well as the studio, and continue to do what I love.