My Journey Building a Titanic Survival Predictor with Logistic Regression

Author: Juhaib Khan


The Titanic dataset is famous among data enthusiasts, but diving into it myself was an entirely new experience. For this project, I set out to predict whether a Titanic passenger survived or not based on factors like age, gender, ticket class, and more. What started as an exploration of the dataset quickly turned into an insightful learning journey that combined data cleaning, machine learning, and app deployment.

I used logistic regression, a simple yet powerful algorithm, to tackle this binary classification problem. Here, I’ll walk you through the steps I took, what I learned along the way, and how I created an interactive app to make survival predictions.

Project Overview

The goal was simple: predict survival. But the process to achieve it? That took some work. The project had six main stages:

  1. Understanding and exploring the data
  2. Cleaning and preprocessing the data
  3. Building the logistic regression model
  4. Evaluating the model’s performance
  5. Interpreting the results
  6. Deploying the model as an interactive app

Step 1: Data Exploration

I started by loading the Titanic dataset, which contains information about passengers such as their ticket class, age, gender, and fare paid. The dataset also includes the target variable, Survived, where 1 means the passenger survived and 0 means they didn’t.

One thing that struck me was how unbalanced the data was. For example:

  • More males than females on the ship, but females were more likely to survive.
  • Ticket class mattered: first-class passengers had a much better chance of survival than those in third class.

Using visualizations like histograms and box plots, I explored relationships between features. For instance:

  • Younger passengers were more likely to survive than older ones.
  • Passengers who paid higher fares tended to survive more.

This exploration helped me decide which features to focus on during model building.

Step 2: Data Preprocessing

If you’ve worked with real-world data, you know it’s rarely clean or complete. The Titanic dataset was no exception. Here’s what I did:

  1. Dropped Irrelevant Features: I removed columns like Name, Ticket, and Cabin since they wouldn’t add value to the predictions.
  2. Handled Missing Values:
  3. Encoded Categorical Data: I converted columns like Sex and Embarked into numeric format using one-hot encoding. For example, male became 1, and female became 0.

After cleaning the data, I was left with a tidy dataset ready for model training.

Step 3: Building the Model

I chose logistic regression for its simplicity and interpretability. It’s a great starting point for binary classification problems like this one.

Using Scikit-learn, I split the data into training and testing sets (80% training, 20% testing) and trained the model.

Step 4: Model Evaluation

Once the model was trained, it was time to see how well it performed. I used several metrics to evaluate its performance:

  • Accuracy: 81%
  • Precision: 78%
  • Recall: 72%
  • F1-score: 75%
  • ROC-AUC: 84%

I also plotted the ROC Curve, which helped visualize how well the model distinguishes between survivors and non-survivors. The curve confirmed that the model was doing a decent job.

Step 5: Interpreting the Model

One of the reasons I like logistic regression is its interpretability. The model assigns coefficients to each feature, showing how much they influence the survival probability. Here’s what I found:

  • Sex (male): A strong negative coefficient, meaning males were far less likely to survive.
  • Fare: A positive coefficient, indicating that passengers who paid higher fares had better chances.
  • Age: Slightly negative, suggesting younger passengers were more likely to survive.

These insights aligned well with historical accounts of the Titanic disaster.

Step 6: Deployment with Streamlit

To make the model accessible, I created an interactive app using Streamlit. The app allows users to input passenger details—such as age, gender, and ticket fare—and predicts whether the passenger would have survived.

Setting up Streamlit was surprisingly straightforward. With just a few lines of code, I turned my logistic regression model into an interactive tool.

Learned From this Lesson

  1. Data Cleaning Is Crucial: Spending time cleaning and preprocessing the data made the modeling step much smoother.
  2. Keep It Simple: Logistic regression isn’t fancy, but it worked really well for this problem.
  3. Make It Useful: Deploying the model as an app added so much value, making the project more than just a technical exercise.


This project was a fulfilling experience that taught me a lot about data science workflows. From exploring the data to deploying the final model, every step added to my understanding of machine learning.

If you’re curious, feel free to try the app yourself or reach out with questions. The Titanic dataset is a classic for a reason—it offers so many opportunities to learn and grow as a data scientist.

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