My Journey to Building Confidence and Clarity
Harmony and Power Institute was created for women looking to build confidence and clarity within themselves. But before I could really help other women, I had to understand many things for myself. In the next few posts, I’ll talk about building autonomy to support personal power.
Many women, like me, have spent most of their lives in service to others. We try to be the best daughters, sisters, mothers, aunts, and members of our communities. In these roles, I felt the pressure to perform. After talking with many women, I realized I wasn’t alone. There were themes of being better, working harder, doing more, being persistent, staying humble, never failing, providing for everyone, not showing weakness, not crying, and striving for perfection at all costs. Over time, these ideas unconsciously eroded my sense of autonomy and led me to make choices that often harmed me.
Have you ever evaluated whether the choices you make benefit you? Or are you making choices that leave you feeling neglected, abandoned, ashamed, and guilty? Often, we want the best for others and make decisions to support those around us. But sometimes, those choices don’t benefit our well-being. If you’ve realized this, it may be time for a change.
I’m not saying you can’t do for others or that you should always be selfish. What I am saying is that you should examine your place in your own life. You shouldn’t be the last person you worry about. Figure out where you are and, with small steps, work towards becoming number one for yourself.
If this resonates with you, let me know some things you’ve done to tap into your personal power. If you know friends, family, or coworkers who can benefit from this content, tag them. Whatever you choose, be sure to subscribe to The Ideology of Me for more information. Help me build this community.