My Journey of Building a Book Inventory Management System with Flask
Creating an app from scratch can be a daunting task, but I was up for the challenge. I wanted to create a book inventory app that would allow me to keep track of the books I owned and the date that I planned to sell them. This would be a great way for me to create an extra stream of income through my library collection.
I started by researching different frameworks and languages that I could use for the project. After some consideration, I settled on Flask, a Python web framework. I had some experience with Flask from an online course, but I knew that there was a lot more to learn.
To help me get started, I watched the Flask introduction video series by Megan Amendola on Treehouse, a popular online learning platform. I found the videos to be very informative and easy to follow. They gave me a solid foundation in Flask and set me up for success in the project.
Next, I had to decide on the database I wanted to use. After doing some research, I settled on SQLite because of its simplicity and ease of use. I also watched another video by Megan Amendola on Treehouse that explained SQLAlchemy, a Python SQL toolkit, which helped me understand how to connect my app to the SQLite database.
With the framework and database decided, I started designing the app. I created Jinja templates using HTML and CSS on Replit. It took a bit of time to get the design right, but I was happy with the final result.
Once I had the design in place, I started working on the functionality of the app. I used Flask-SQLAlchemy to create the database models and set up the routes for adding, editing, and deleting books. I also created a search function using the article I found on DZone.
Overall, the project was a great learning experience. I gained a lot of knowledge in Flask, SQLAlchemy, and SQLite. The app isn't perfect, and there are still some features I would like to add, such as a barcode scanner and the ability to mark books as read or unread. But for now, I'm happy with what I've accomplished.
If you're interested in checking out the app, you can find it at this link: I hope you find it useful!